People waiting for your car park space

I mean, thats just common sense. In Audi drivers defence however, i'm pretty sure they don't have indicators installed and you do have to pass a pretty strict test to make sure you drive like a complete bell end before they will sell you one.

I’ve read that a few times in forums like Pistonheads, and have to say it’s surely a sweeping generalisation.
I’ve never owned an Audi, but I’ve picked up a few as rentals at German airports, I drove them exactly the same as I did any car that I ever drove.
I drove in the right hand lane, (in Germany), if I came up behind a truck I checked the rear view, indicated, and moved to the centre lane and when I’d safely passed the truck I moved back to the right hand lane, indicating again.
I did the same if I could see a vehicle about to merge on to the autobahn from an approach lane, so they could effortlessly join the road, yet some of you guys would think that I was the devil incarnate, just because I had four adjoining rings on the front of the car.
I became a reasonable judge of drivers when I drove a Black Cab in London for thirty years.
It was relatively simple, from a Rolls-Royce to a Reliant Robin, few if any had the ability to read the road, and it seemed that their raison d’être was to get in my way.
That’s a bit of a generalisation too, but it can be frustrating when you know exactly where you’re going and how to get there, but your path is plagued by morons.
If you aren't leaving but just returning to the car to chuck some shopping or your coat in the boot, Ill normally hover a bit so I cant see any potential cars who want my space as I don't want to let them down. I do that because one time the second I fobbed the car boot open a very aggressive black BMW screeched to a halt next to me and started gesticulating so wildly I thought she may be having some sort of attack. I gave it the sorry cut throat no motion and made for the exit but she was very unhappy. Came back later to find a deep key mark about an inch long on the rear bumper.
If you don't plan to leave for a few minutes, you could just sit in the passenger seat. That way either people will assume you're not the driver and are waiting, or if they come up and ask you to move you can just say you're waiting for them. Simple :p

The worse is the people who faff about at petrol stations though. Especially the ones who don't use pay at the pump, then spend minutes rummaging around in their car before actually driving off.
I mean, thats just common sense. In Audi drivers defence however, i'm pretty sure they don't have indicators installed and you do have to pass a pretty strict test to make sure you drive like a complete bell end before they will sell you one.

When someone buys an Audi, they snap off the indicator stalk at the sales ceremony.

It's a bit like christening a ship.
The worse is the people

You can end this sentence there really, anyone where you encounter people, you will encounter people who are always completely surprised when they need to pay for something. Wait 10 minutes in a queue in a supermarket, get to the till, "oh crap I need to get my money out".

Wait 10 mins in a queue in a fast food place, get to the front of the queue, start staring at the menu "Oh um I'll have an ummmmmm let me think, what shall I have today"

What really irks me is people who will say "I'm not doing anything wrong" - no, you're not, but the fact that you're being so inconsiderate towards others despite it costing you no money, no time or no discomfort really does highlight what a cretin you are.
Best thing that happened to me was; was at the Metrocentre just before one Christmas so it's gets massively busy, was loaded up with bags so while my Mrs was looking round a clothes shop I went to drop stuff off at the car so we could go for food and other shops without so many bags, got pretty much stalked from the entrance of the centre by a car looking for a space, got to my car, stuck bags in the boot and locked the car back up and started walking back inside, the look on their face was priceless.

this forums focus has its fame for attracting a certain communicationaly challenged crowd

I was gonna put a comment about this before I posted the initial comment, but decided to try and have a little faith in people LOL.

Who know's, maybe people are trying to be funny and not posting sincerely in GD (Oh my! lol).
If I see that people are waiting, I tend to get in my car and drive off as a courtesy. I can do all my other stuff elsewhere like a loading area or something. If I have a parking ticket which still has time on it, I'll usually offer that to them too.

Then again, I find that being considerate to people around me ends in much more pleasant interactions with them rather than annoying them for no real reason.
This place doesnt deserve you!
I can't say that I rush but I hurry up and get out of the space and appreciate when people do the same. If the car park is full then what else can the person waiting do? This mostly happens at a local supermarket for me so there's nowhere else to go
I find myself doing so less and less often the longer I've been driving. More often than not I'll slow down for them way in advance or change lane and they don't take the opportunity so I just stopped bothering

Calculating velocity should be part of the theory test

When a car is traveling near parallel to you you cannot judge velocity looking in a rear view /side mirror.
You expect them to be going near 70. Not 10mph.

You also can't tell if they are speeding up or slowing down reliably
Best thing that happened to me was; was at the Metrocentre just before one Christmas so it's gets massively busy, was loaded up with bags so while my Mrs was looking round a clothes shop I went to drop stuff off at the car so we could go for food and other shops without so many bags, got pretty much stalked from the entrance of the centre by a car looking for a space, got to my car, stuck bags in the boot and locked the car back up and started walking back inside, the look on their face was priceless.
Oh mate tell that story again it was so good
When a car is traveling near parallel to you you cannot judge velocity looking in a rear view /side mirror.
You expect them to be going near 70. Not 10mph.

You also can't tell if they are speeding up or slowing down reliably
Maybe you can't. Guess I'm just built different :cool:
Don’t get me started on these situations:
. See a bay empty, only to find a Smart car.
. See a bay empty but can’t park in it as the ****** next to it has parked into quarter of the empty bay.

Most of the second situation is due to laziness. If you can’t spend 10 seconds correcting your parking, then, give up driving.

If you are that concerned about damage to car, park the other end of the car park and not the area where everyone parks.
This thread is a prime example of why its horrible to drive in this country. Someone waiting for you to leave a parking space in a busy place is not an insult, its not an affront to your person, they simply want to park. Why on earth are some people acting like ******** because people want their space.

If I am in a busy car park, finished putting fuel in the car and its busy etc I get out of there as soon as I can so someone else can use the spot I was in.

I'm always utterly stunned at how few people let anyone out of side roads when I am driving and this is probably the same people who would take extra time in a parking garage if they knew someone was waiting for their spot. These ***** can be rolling at a few mph up to stationary traffic and they still won't let someone out. Baffles me.

I disagree.

Unless you see an empty space, you shouldn't assume someone is leaving. Waiting for other people / family to return is very common.
If you are that concerned about damage to car, park the other end of the car park and not the area where everyone parks.

That doesnt work, I always park at the nigh on empty far end of the car park but when I get back, there is nearly always someone parked next to mine, even though there are rows of empty spaces. I dont know what it is, perhaps safety in numbers? Who knows. I returned to my car once and a woman was getting out of her car parked next to mine where there was loads of empty space all over the place. I started ranting at her about why the hell did she have to park there, of all the places but she looked at me like I was a bit mad
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