Pimax 8k is live

I have a 5K+

.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing

- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon

- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays

I have a 5K+

.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing

- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon

- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays


What backer no were you?

do any sim racing?
I have a 5K+

.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing

- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon

- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays

Any kind of asw in software yet.
I have a 5K+

.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing

- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon

- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays


Any pics?
What backer no were you?

do any sim racing?

I dont do SIM racing normally. But may try Assetto Corsa

Any kind of asw in software yet.

I dont believe so no. The PiTool software is super limited currently

Any pics?

Hard for me to take pics of the device internally. Only pics right now are on IMGUR

Please tell us more...I'm backer 2xxx odd...have to decide whether tos tick with the 8K or swap for the 5k+...

Do you plan to upgrade your gcard? I hear the 8K needs even more oomph than the 5K+. News is mixed on the 8K. I'd recommend the 8K X which is true 8K with no weird upscaling
The first time I used the Pimax was when leaving a planet station. My ship came up to the surface and it felt amazing. Really recommend the Pimax. Backlight levels are a bit crap though
Starting to sway back toward the 8K, main use will be sim racing games and Elite Dangerous (getting a cheap HOTAS from Santa)...a few reviewers stating that the 8K might be the better choice for these types of games. One guy on the Pimax forum who tried both in LA actually found the extra sharpness of the 5K+ annoying...
Now swaying back to 5k+ based on the majority of reviewers saying that there is little to choose between them but that the 5k+ is sharper due to pixel layout, the image is native rather than downscaled/upscaled software solution. Current production/shipping numbers aren't very reassuring, delivery likely to be in Jan/Feb if I'm lucky.
Now swaying back to 5k+ based on the majority of reviewers saying that there is little to choose between them but that the 5k+ is sharper due to pixel layout, the image is native rather than downscaled/upscaled software solution. Current production/shipping numbers aren't very reassuring, delivery likely to be in Jan/Feb if I'm lucky.

Stick with the 8K. Why you should is very, very simple, human psychology :p Deep down there is a part of you that can't believe the 5K+ is better than the 8K. If you buy the 5K+, you might be very happy with it, but, there will always be that nagging doubt in your head that you should have went with the 8K.

Or maybe that's just the way I think. :D
Stick with the 8K. Why you should is very, very simple, human psychology :p Deep down there is a part of you that can't believe the 5K+ is better than the 8K. If you buy the 5K+, you might be very happy with it, but, there will always be that nagging doubt in your head that you should have went with the 8K.

Or maybe that's just the way I think. :D

That's really not helping me Melmac lol...you are right though. If I get the 5k+ as you say there will be that nagging doubt and if they one day nail the software to maximise the screen real estate I'll be gutted. I suppose I could always buy another pledge off someone and sell the one I don't want...could tell my wife it's her christmas present, that should go down well :)
That's really not helping me Melmac lol...you are right though. If I get the 5k+ as you say there will be that nagging doubt and if they one day nail the software to maximise the screen real estate I'll be gutted. I suppose I could always buy another pledge off someone and sell the one I don't want...could tell my wife it's her christmas present, that should go down well :)

LOL, sorry dude!! And yes, do that, buy something for your wife that you want for yourself, that always goes down a treat :D
Finally made a decision and I’m sticking with the 8k after all. There really doesn’t appear to be much between the headsets overall, both a big step up from current rift/Vive in terms of clarity, resolution and fov. There seem to be more issues with the 5k+ headsets, dead pixels light bleed etc. They’ve also improved the software and the clarity of the 8k is a lot closer to the 5k+ according to recent reviews. At the current shipping rate I’m hoping to have it by the end of Jan-19 fingers crossed :)
It turns out they hadn’t been making 8K headsets. They had run out of screens and struggled to get new ones. All 5k+ ks units are on their way, but they’ve only just restarted 8k production. I reckon it’ll be another 6 weeks minimum before I get it. It’s already a year late so it’s no big deal, reviews are very positive, so I’m getting pretty excited.
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