I have a 5K+
.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing
- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon
- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays
.90 version of software is ok. I wish it had brightness level decreasing
- FOV is amazing and feels so much better than the Vive and Vive Pro
- SDE is almost non-existent, even in games like Elite
- Super lightweight
- Can extend Dislayport, USB and power with std cables from Amazon
- Weird to configure the first time
- Black levels aren't ideal due to CLPL displays