Pimax 8k is live

They only just cleared $2m so it’s unlikely unless there is a mad rush, not sure why these $2.5m benefits wouldn’t be in their plan anyway...Pim-Con?
  • We plan to use part of our budget to initiate a conference for VR content developers.
  • VR content developers - we will pull resources to further facilitate the process to integrate Pimax SDK with your current content on Steam VR/Oculus Home, so gamers can open your games/apps directly with PiHome.
  • Gamers - For those popular tools, e.g. vorpX, we plan to enable direct support based on Pimax SDK. We are working with our partners on this. Name your favorite apps here or in the Pimax forum http://bit.ly/2iwnAHE We will try our best to make your wishes come true!
They were going to be relying on steamvr support to roll in to e.g. vorpx, steamvr with revive for oculus support. Now they are saying they will add direct support to their own sdk.
Does the 8k support the new Lighthouse or the older Vive design? I was reading that the Vive is not compatible with the new.
Does the 8k support the new Lighthouse or the older Vive design? I was reading that the Vive is not compatible with the new.

It will support existing V.1 Vive lighthouses and controllers and will also support v.2 lighthouses when released.
I see no mention of eye tracking and foveated rendering.
Still don't understand how they propose to power all the extra pixels that Pimax will have over a Rift/Vive.
Don't get me wrong, I most definitely want better resolution, but this to me still looks like half the solution.
I see no mention of eye tracking and foveated rendering.
Still don't understand how they propose to power all the extra pixels that Pimax will have over a Rift/Vive.
Don't get me wrong, I most definitely want better resolution, but this to me still looks like half the solution.

Go read up on it please, the question on performance has been addressed already. Look particularly for the brainwarp feature (similar to ASW). In reality the performance delta from Rift/Vive (especially with 2x SS), to Pimax 8K that requires no such fudges, will be small when Pimax brainwarp tech is considered.

I personally would rather have a VR HMD that pushed IQ beyond current HW levels so at some point future GPUs will not be wasted on them. Having said that anyone who tested already claimed performance was adequate with GTX 1080 or equivalent.
Go read up on it please, the question on performance has been addressed already. Look particularly for the brainwarp feature (similar to ASW). In reality the performance delta from Rift/Vive (especially with 2x SS), to Pimax 8K that requires no such fudges, will be small when Pimax brainwarp tech is considered.

I personally would rather have a VR HMD that pushed IQ beyond current HW levels so at some point future GPUs will not be wasted on them. Having said that anyone who tested already claimed performance was adequate with GTX 1080 or equivalent.

I've seen you mention IQ in relation to VR a lot, but googling hasn't enlightened me. I'd guessed it was related to resolution but what does IQ mean please?
Go read up on it please, the question on performance has been addressed already. Look particularly for the brainwarp feature (similar to ASW). In reality the performance delta from Rift/Vive (especially with 2x SS), to Pimax 8K that requires no such fudges, will be small when Pimax brainwarp tech is considered.

I personally would rather have a VR HMD that pushed IQ beyond current HW levels so at some point future GPUs will not be wasted on them. Having said that anyone who tested already claimed performance was adequate with GTX 1080 or equivalent.

Would you have a link to the testing examples. Curious to see what they use.
I'm conscious that I use ASW already and it normally sits at 45fps with my Rift and with a 1080. Quite how it could maintain 60fps with x4 more pixels rather puzzles me.
I'll say it again, if they can, that's awesome and for the price, a complete steal.
I've seen you mention IQ in relation to VR a lot, but googling hasn't enlightened me. I'd guessed it was related to resolution but what does IQ mean please?

IQ means image quality and covers many aspects of a display. With VR HMDs it includes (but not limited to)

Low Resolution
SDE (screen door effect)
God Rays
Lens artifacting/warping
Low FOV (impacts image quality in that there is only a small letter box sized image).

Rift for example has serious amount of God Rays, so much so that I personally could not abide it with Elite Dangerous because everything got a bright glow around it.



I like the VR experience but find that on Rift CV1 at least, that IQ is hideously poor. Most people who try VR can overlook these IQ problems because the entire experience is still so good. I on the other hand have been looking forward to a HMD that actually delivers good IQ.
For what's out on the market today, pimax is years ahead...... Hence why Acer has just took over share leader at starvr with 66% via investing £5million.... They have done this purely because of pimax Kickstarter funding... People want larger FOV, Acer see a opportunity to push the starvr headset towards the consumer IMO
Would you have a link to the testing examples. Curious to see what they use.
I'm conscious that I use ASW already and it normally sits at 45fps with my Rift and with a 1080. Quite how it could maintain 60fps with x4 more pixels rather puzzles me.
I'll say it again, if they can, that's awesome and for the price, a complete steal.

Scroll down until you see the section on Brainwarp.


They claim it reduces GPU load so the GPU is rendering at only one lense at a time at 180Hz
IQ means image quality and covers many aspects of a display. With VR HMDs it includes (but not limited to)

Low Resolution
SDE (screen door effect)
God Rays
Lens artifacting/warping
Low FOV (impacts image quality in that there is only a small letter box sized image).

Rift for example has serious amount of God Rays, so much so that I personally could not abide it with Elite Dangerous because everything got a bright glow around it.

https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i.imgur.com/oEdjhiV.jpg?fb&imgrefurl=https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/4e7nd2/how_elite_dangerous_looks_on_vive_cv1/&docid=dnJsBau3KbeZdM&tbnid=GOAlGPBO1ecZUM:&vet=10ahUKEwiuhM_7_ovXAhWJKFAKHcLeBHgQMwgtKAcwBw..i&w=600&h=315&client=firefox-b&bih=998&biw=1499&q=rift cv1 elite dangerous god rays&ved=0ahUKEwiuhM_7_ovXAhWJKFAKHcLeBHgQMwgtKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8


I like the VR experience but find that on Rift CV1 at least, that IQ is hideously poor. Most people who try VR can overlook these IQ problems because the entire experience is still so good. I on the other hand have been looking forward to a HMD that actually delivers good IQ.

Image Quality doh...seems obvious now. I thought it was some technical mumbo jumbo...thanks for clearing up.

I have the Rift and I find the more I play the more I notice the Low Res and SDE, and god rays are particularly noticeable in menus with the games I play. Immersion is great in CV1 but I can't wait for my Pimax to arrive.
If I were to use a motion rig and had the Vive base station fixed to the moving part along with the seat, the head tracking should work ok shouldn't it as it's not the "outside in" system like the Mixed Reality jobbies. Does that sound right?
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