I am sure they will be keeping an eye on it, but I don't believe for an instant that it will make Oculus change their schedule. The market isn't there yet. It's still in the very early stages of VR. But I do hope that Pimax deliver on this headset.
yup, the market isn't quite ready yet. Still a little early. It would be interesting to see how many backers backed Pimax vs Oculus kickstarter. I know not to compare, but would be interesting. I think a lot of people who bought into VR at the Rifts £399, may have even more confidence to buy at a higher price next time. So again, would be interesting to see how many backers Oculus would get if they started another kickstarter for a £800 headset.
I'm just glad Oculus are doing their bit. They said they would get the price down for the masses. I think this is more important for the market and a bigger shakeup than another high end headset. Pimax will get a lot of backers, but nowhere near the numbers needed to shakeup the industry.
As more of my friends have joined in, that's where my enjoyment has risen most. Better graphics are nice, but not what makes games good. Otherwise i'd never have been into gaming in the days of text and space invaders. More users = more devs getting into the action.
I would love a better headset to be out already. Better in all aspects. But i get why Oculus have decided not to do this now. If Oculus had stated they had another £800 headset on the way, i guess a lot who have picked up recently or for Christmas may "wait" and see. Therefore compounding the main problem, which is support from Devs. No users, no money, no games.
Fingers crossed that the eye tracking and foveated rendering work perfect. Nothing short of perfect will be acceptable for me. Same as a hiccup in hand tracking or latency. I have seen less than perfect and it was a very frustrating experience. If these get sorted and reported to be perfect. I will get very excited, because i will hopefully be able to afford the performance needed for these crazy res's. My OC 1080 struggles to maintain 90fps in a lot of games i play. I like 90fps because it is already too slow. Playing table tennis or anything with fast moving objects, I can see the gap between frames. Asw etc as good as they are, in these instances is obvious. (kind of like tracking your fast moving mouse cursor on the desktop at 60hz vs 120. Its even more obvious in vr with it being so big.
I don't want to find myself in a situation, that my new gfx intensive games have to be played scaled up. Basically about the fidelity of a rift then scaled to the high res screen. Whilst being able to play my games from 2yrs ago at the native sharp res. It will really bother my OCD. I don't want to play a game for the first time, knowing that i can't play it in all it's glory. I can wait 2yrs for the gpu to be able render fast enough, but then that first moment is lost. (For me personally, if our fastest gpu couldn't manage 30fps min at 4k with all settings on full. I would buy a 1440p screen to play, because playing upscaled looks worse than on native). However, at this point my last point is less important because the upscaled image has the benefit of less sde, even if the actual image fidelity could be worse.
Very exciting times. I don't stick with vendor through loyalty. I just get what best suites my needs. Nice to see things moving a long nicely. It really does seem like it is hitting mainstream. It's the start of a new major medium. I keep saying, but this is like my first speccy, followed by the transformation to 3dfx graphics cards. Now is the new magic.