Little annoyed. Got to #3 and looted a crap ton of stuff, everyone I killed was way too far to loot and I ended up in a shootout with 2 guys with SKS rifles and blatant 4 or 8x scopes while I literally had ironsights on a SCAR. The game IS a little bit better for RNG than H1Z1 but it's still there, even a red dot would have probably got me #1...

Oh well, you know what you sign up for when you play games like this, but scopes are too rare. Unless you get the drop on somebody with one or get very lucky when looting, you'd better enjoy your ironsights/CoD sights against the 8x Kar98ks and SKS snipers at the end. It seems to always be those too, is this game literally whoever gets a 4 or 8x scope wins? Assuming they're competent.

Oddly enough, and maybe this is just a comment on my own lack of skills, but I have 34 wins to date (in solo) and not one of them has come from using a scope. Every one of them has come from shotgun kills and firing from the hip with ARs (not even using red dots). I actually play much worse when I try and use the scopes.
Just had my first duo's win, with the other halves 11 year old nephew! He died early on so I was left to fend for myself, with him chatting in my ear lol.

Turned out alright though... :cool:

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Played 6 games on Monday as duo and 1 3 man squad. Got 2 wins, 2nd place twice, 3rd and 6th. On one of the 2nd places my team mate died really early on so had to rambo it
No one has anything to say about the upcoming zombie mode? I'm stoked!

Discord will have heard my complaints lol but I think it needs tweaking, won't get many people wanting to play zombie mode if 9/10 of them start as zombies but imagine they'd be happier playing zombies with both a much higher chance of not being selected to start as a zombie and also a shot at remaining a non-zombie :p

Much better imo to make the zombies stronger somehow, start a handful of players as zombies together and everyone else as players but well spread out. Give Zombies infinite respawns and some sort of indication of where to find players without giving them an exact marker/map point (sensing blood on the compass or sth).

That's just my opinion though :D
No one has anything to say about the upcoming zombie mode? I'm stoked!

I think i'd prefer them on getting the basics right first as there are still a fair few issues with regards to stabilisation and optimisation. However in saying that i don't know how many people they have working on the game as a whole so it could be that teams working on stuff like zombies, new maps, vaulting over stuff etc have an easier time of it that the ones stabilising it and can get their updates out quicker? (Which means from my point of view make the 'basics' teams bigger!! Lol :D)

I can't say the zombies mode bothers me massively but if you like that sort of thing Stonemountain64 has videos from his custom server where they've had 8 humans (Can have guns but no meds) vs 90+ zombies (Guys in pants with no weapons at all but can have meds.) It looks pretty cool but it took them a while to get the zombies to coordinate themselves to attack them as well as trying to get the zombies not to cheat.. :p Haha! They also did some 50 vs 50's that were cool. Skins vs clothes. Hopefully they bring in 50 vs 50 options as well as obvious skins to tell people apart. (They had issues easily working out whether someone at range had clothes on or it was just armour. Lol)
Anyone know of any decent custom servers? I'm just starting to see amazing things like 50 vs 50 player games

I keep going on about him but hes the only one i watch... :p However SM64 does this throughout the week at 9pm and opens up the slots on his custom server to his Dischord server. So logon to FB and his page and also connect to his Dischord server. He or one of his guys then gives the password out so you can join in the game which he also live streams. He mentioned last night that he was going to do some custom games this week so you may be able to join in? I think custom servers have only been given to particular users/streamers for them to be able to customise their games better. He also limits gun types, circle speed, vehicles etc.
I feel like I've spent the last 2 days of squad games getting looted to the max for 20 mins, seeing no one, then driving off to somewhere only to get instantly killed.......:(:(
I feel like I've spent the last 2 days of squad games getting looted to the max for 20 mins, seeing no one, then driving off to somewhere only to get instantly killed.......:(:(

Thats 4 out of 5 games for me but the one where a grabs a few kills are awesome.
For me the last few games have just felt really sparce loot wise. I deliberatley choose out of the way places albeit larger ones and generally towards the end of the planes travel. However the last two games i've ended up sharing the space with another player and both times ended up gunless whilst seeing them rocking a shotgun... One time i just had to surrender the village on foot and try looting elsewhere the other i found a motorbike to escape with. (Did manage to do some awesome jumps though so all was not lost! :D) I think i might just have to start hitting the hot zones. As one it will increase my shooting skills and at worst you just jump straight back into another game anyway?
I tend to avoid the hot zones as its too easy to get swacked within a few mins and its a waste of time. I tend to favour medium level loot zones that dont get masses of attention.

It makes gearing up a little more difficult but its still very doable to be comfortable on the gear front and then loot anything i need off other players.

Watertown for life!
i'm finding it to be laggier than ever the last few days, anyone else having more issues than normal?

I don't get random crashes anymore but i've had a few instances where i've put a load of rounds into someone for nothing to happen, one time if even had a knock down animation so I swapped targets only to then be shot by both of them....
Apartments is easily my favourite. Few buildings not too many doors and great lines of sight if you're lucky enough to grab a 4x.

Added advantage of the school landers bringing you goodies once they become confident enough you're not watching :D.

(ideal situation)
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