Little annoyed. Got to #3 and looted a crap ton of stuff, everyone I killed was way too far to loot and I ended up in a shootout with 2 guys with SKS rifles and blatant 4 or 8x scopes while I literally had ironsights on a SCAR. The game IS a little bit better for RNG than H1Z1 but it's still there, even a red dot would have probably got me #1...
Oh well, you know what you sign up for when you play games like this, but scopes are too rare. Unless you get the drop on somebody with one or get very lucky when looting, you'd better enjoy your ironsights/CoD sights against the 8x Kar98ks and SKS snipers at the end. It seems to always be those too, is this game literally whoever gets a 4 or 8x scope wins? Assuming they're competent.
Oddly enough, and maybe this is just a comment on my own lack of skills, but I have 34 wins to date (in solo) and not one of them has come from using a scope. Every one of them has come from shotgun kills and firing from the hip with ARs (not even using red dots). I actually play much worse when I try and use the scopes.