So how does ths discord thing work then and how do you team up with friends? I'm on the OcUK channel already but haven't used it yet.
I've spent 45hrs simply using Click to Play in the top left in solo or squad, I do prefer squad when the team is right and its nice having 3 others that are in all probability much better than me watching my hide but I've also been teamkilled for my loot quite a bit which is very annoying.

Just look for a channel of 3 and jump in majority won't mind at all(as long as you don't shout down the mic asking to join and cause them to die(you know who you are :D)) or reply to one of the messages asking for another member in the pubg channel.

OK better explanation under me :D.
So how does ths discord thing work then and how do you team up with friends? I'm on the OcUK channel already but haven't used it yet.
I've spent 45hrs simply using Click to Play in the top left in solo or squad, I do prefer squad when the team is right and its nice having 3 others that are in all probability much better than me watching my hide but I've also been teamkilled for my loot quite a bit which is very annoying.
When you're logged into the OCUK Discord, you should see a list of rooms/channels on the left of the application.
A little bit down the list you should see 6 rooms called PUBG.
Each channel for the game has room for 4 people, so if there's a space in one of them then click the title of the room to join.

If most of the rooms are full but there's an empty one, join the empty one as people will see that you're looking to squad up and will either join your room or will invite you to their room when someone leaves their squad. :)
Just look for a channel of 3 and jump in majority won't mind at all(as long as you don't shout down the mic asking to join and cause them to die(you know who you are :D)) or reply to one of the messages asking for another member in the pubg channel.

Yea there are usually people just hanging around so if you only see full channels, don't assume that there aren't people just sitting around waiting, so just pop a message in the #PUBG channel and people will usually appear :) usually don't have to wait long either, usually i'll hop on pop a message up and by the time i've gotten into a solo game and geared up someone has replied :)
Yeah quite often we need a 4th, post a message and within a minute or two someone drops into channel.

For the most part, the OCUK discord is excellent, there are a few toxic players (leetists, lack of support, selfish) but they are few and far between. Not naming names but now I know it's not just me as other people have commented on the same individuals without being prompted.

I'm sure folks have made bad comments about me due to sometimes doing silly things (puppetmaster + shotgun) but I always support and will often die/get knocked out trying to get revives on team mates rather than hanging back and keeping myself safe.
For the most part, the OCUK discord is excellent, there are a few toxic players (leetists, lack of support, selfish) but they are few and far between. Not naming names but now I know it's not just me as other people have commented on the same individuals without being prompted.

That you wouldn't confirm who it was made me think it is me :D. I think I've been good other than The Panenning :(.

I'm sure folks have made bad comments about me due to sometimes doing silly things (puppetmaster + shotgun) but I always support and will often die/get knocked out trying to get revives on team mates rather than hanging back and keeping myself safe.

We all screw up so I wouldn't be overly concerned with it :). I for one **** up repeatedly. I'm sure Puppet deserved it :D.
That you wouldn't confirm who it was made me think it is me :D. I think I've been good other than The Panenning :(.

We all screw up so I wouldn't be overly concerned with it :). I for one **** up repeatedly. I'm sure Puppet deserved it :D.

I don't mind genuine screw ups and silliness, however it's a squad game and I don't have the time or patience for people who play for themselves and not the squad. A lot of things become apparent when you die early and spectate other players behaviour during encounters.

I quite enjoy playing with you mynight and no sadly puppet didn't deserve it :)
Well my PC is pretty average and I've bumped everything to medium apart from low AA and very low foliage and it looks like a different game. Very smooth too so far. Am liking the changes.
Managed to get a 2nd in Solo earlier.. I got killed by the damn gas as I was in the bunker and as it rolled in, it trapped and eventually killed me :(
This look and performs so much better. I'm actually getting lots more kills now too, think it's because it's so much smoother and it seems to actually shoot where I aim.
Anyone having issues with crashing since the update?
Not had a single crash but had 2 since it updated with the 'ran out of video memory'. I'm on a 980Ti and playing at 1440p
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