Damn, just got 3rd in a solo - this game is so tense at times! Was a nervous wreck when I came off. So close to my first chicken dinner! :D
Day 1
Jump from plane, find gun, jump in boat, get stuck on cliff, get killed by blue line. See not another soul.

Day 2
Jump from plane, find gun, jump on motorcycle, jump off motorcycle at low speed, die from falling. See not another soul.

Day 3
Jump from plane, find gun, see another soul!!! Kill them (they were swimming. Fish. Barrel.), get down to final 5 through expert use of blind luck, get killed by what can only be described as an American Civil War soldier.

Safe to say I'm hooked.
Loving the new update and all the changes, sunset makes the map look amazing.

Played a lot this evening, managed a solo and duo win. Even after a few wins, still get the buzz.
you know whats odd is when this was free on arma 3 as a mod is was sort of popular.its basically exactly the same but on a new its a sales monster.
Loot seems to be fine since the patch, I haven't noticed too much change in the tables.
Really like how the game handles now, it does seem to freeze every now and then whilst in the plane but once we're on the ground it seems to run at a stable fps.

Has the circle randomness changed at all?
It seems to always be around the same area in my games.
Some poor sod got the drop on me with an AKM he indicated over voice comms that he was rather displeased being killed by the 9mm pistol :D.
Haha, gutted I didn't stick around for that!

New patch is definitely a step in the right direction. The combo of smoother actions and increased frame rates made me double check my sensitivity as the whole game felt faster!
I really like that you can cancel reloading now, really helpful on both the pump shotgun and revolver as you can choose to put in just a few shots and then get moving.
Loot tables are definitely fubar, we were constantly finding multiple guns stacked on one another last night, 3 AKMs in a single room, 4 shotguns in a bathroom, a house full of 20 pistols.

I wiped out an entire squad at Gorgo within 5 minutes of starting a game and they all had g18's when I looted them.

you know whats odd is when this was free on arma 3 as a mod is was sort of popular.its basically exactly the same but on a new its a sales monster.

It was popular' would take anything from 15 minutes up to an hour for a match to fill and that was with about 50 people. Then there were only about 10-15 servers running the mod at peak.

It was excellent on A3, especially the Wake Island map but it was soul crushing to get into games regularly.
I really like that you can cancel reloading now, really helpful on both the pump shotgun and revolver as you can choose to put in just a few shots and then get moving.
Could always cancel reloading by pressing x to put your gun away (and again to get it out with however many shots you had loaded)

I actually don't like the new way of interrupting as I keep accidentally interrupting it :p
Aye, loot seems to be a bit iffy now. Seems to be a feast of weapons and next to no meds or vice versa. But you know to be honest I don't mind that. What's the point of loot if everyone is fully geared in the first 2mins. Might as well just give everyone AR's and meds in the plane prior to jump if that's the case.
Half the fun, for me anyway, is not knowing what's behind that next door. Or in the next room/building.
If I've crap loot then I have to adjust my game play style. I'll go all campy campy and try and get the jump on someone else that's better geared.
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