Rumour has it 1st person is coming in August, with the addition of FOV slider.
It'll be in the July monthly update.
Rumour has it 1st person is coming in August, with the addition of FOV slider.
Dam must have missed it, is there just one twitch box per subscribed month then ?I think I got mine last week, just logged in now and it's an Overwatch gold crate.
These Twitch boxes are going for £25-30, the individual contents are worth about a fiver tops!
Could anyone recommend a cheap gpu that would run this at a solid 30fps or more at low - medium settings? budget of around £100.He has a gts 450 so can't run with 1gb vram. All other components are fine.
He's desperate to get up and running as I've been pestering him to look into it.
Edit: to add to the thread, i got top 10 in a single earlier, things were going too perfect then my fat sausage fingers hit a wrong key and i flew out my vehicle at speed. Insta ded
lol, just wait till you accidentally press F and bail out of the car your driving.....that's always fun
Same. Too many complaints about server issues to rush into buying this.I'm more than happy to wait, it still needs polish from what I've seen.
Exactly this is why i think the game is so bad and laughable and yet could be turned on its head into one of the best FPS on the market with FP view locked down, Animations updated with the new FOV slider and finally we can have a tactical Battle Royale FPS. I just cannot get my head around how this is at all fun when the camera is a meta, A game within a game should never be a boring camera feature imo. Shogun 2 had the exact same thing people insisted on using a zoomed out sprite based camera for an advantage and could never ever let it go.
And when the camera was taken away briefly, The shock was so severe they just decided to roll with hacks until the pressure on the developer was great enough to get the camera back haha. Thankfully Greene has a year or more until i part with my money anyways but i actually am unsure if it will even be completed in a year. They can say what they like but its one of the top games on steam and is only getting a FOV slider. I mean what the hell.
They need to have optimization and FP finnished and protected with Anti-Cheat by the end of 2017 alongside everything else they planned, No way jose.
ark doubled in price just before leaving early access, so you might want to pick this up earlier.
This isn't the game for you then. I like the 3rd person element personally, it has its merits, just like 1st person mode will
Why did I open my damn box....ARGH!
Why wouldn't you want to play in 1st person, sick of people wall/building/tree camping with impunity because they don't have to step out of cover to see where you are as you approach. FP will add a whole new dynamic to the game.
The dynamic of being exactly like every other same-y FPS that's already out there? Maybe next they'll add an arbitrary XP upgrade system and kill-streak rewards and perk loadouts too and then *finally* I'll be able to take this game seriously and enjoy it