I've jumped on this bandwagon and I'm loving this game... was a little nervous as I'd tried DayZ back when it was a mod and although I liked the concept the awfully managed development and lack of focus in the game mechanics massively put me off this "genre".... but having watched a few videos and streams and reading the developer's notes etc. I decided to dive in and I'm loving it so far...

Only had two wins so far, both in Duo... one where I died at about #7 and my buddy went on to win, and another last night where we were #1 and #2 :D So much fun! Have been playing about with streaming (not planning on taking it mega serious but as a way to record everything without taking up hard drive space it's really useful)... here's the winning game from last night:

I think I got mine last week, just logged in now and it's an Overwatch gold crate.

These Twitch boxes are going for £25-30, the individual contents are worth about a fiver tops!
Dam must have missed it, is there just one twitch box per subscribed month then ?
Could anyone recommend a cheap gpu that would run this at a solid 30fps or more at low - medium settings? budget of around £100.He has a gts 450 so can't run with 1gb vram. All other components are fine.

He's desperate to get up and running as I've been pestering him to look into it.

Edit: to add to the thread, i got top 10 in a single earlier, things were going too perfect then my fat sausage fingers hit a wrong key and i flew out my vehicle at speed. Insta ded

You near Glasgow?

I have a GTX 1050 fully boxed i'm going to put on ebay this weekend which runs the game very smooth with these settings. View distance on medium, textures low, everything else on ultra low. These are competitive settings. Geared towards winning rather than looking pretty. It runs smooth as butter with those settings. The 1050 is also a very power efficient card. It doesn't need any power from the PSU it takes it all from the PCI-E slot so your leccy bill will thank you. Trust message if interested and we can take to members market.
Well you can't play this game at 4K on high or ultra currently pretty dam laggy and even with 1080 Ti the map takes ages to load buildings and trees even on the ground ! Playing at ultra at 1440p Works Brilliant thou so will play on this setting and use my 4k Monitor to view my Twitch chat messages instead ha.
Exactly this is why i think the game is so bad and laughable and yet could be turned on its head into one of the best FPS on the market with FP view locked down, Animations updated with the new FOV slider and finally we can have a tactical Battle Royale FPS. I just cannot get my head around how this is at all fun when the camera is a meta, A game within a game should never be a boring camera feature imo. Shogun 2 had the exact same thing people insisted on using a zoomed out sprite based camera for an advantage and could never ever let it go.

And when the camera was taken away briefly, The shock was so severe they just decided to roll with hacks until the pressure on the developer was great enough to get the camera back haha. Thankfully Greene has a year or more until i part with my money anyways but i actually am unsure if it will even be completed in a year. They can say what they like but its one of the top games on steam and is only getting a FOV slider. I mean what the hell. :D

They need to have optimization and FP finnished and protected with Anti-Cheat by the end of 2017 alongside everything else they planned, No way jose.

This isn't the game for you then. I like the 3rd person element personally, it has its merits, just like 1st person mode will
I've watch a lot of pro twitch players and yes they do die but normally by an unlucky shot from someone who is camping or gets a lucky nade kill on them , DrDisrespect is really good at this game and wins a lot of his 1 vs 1 games and that's down to his skill at shooting with the guns hes uses and getting head shots 9 out 10 times ! the fact he can add a 360 spin in to the mix just makes him a god at this game. As they say pratice does make perfect and if you can put the hours in and play smart you will win a lot of your games , I'd say I end up in the top 10 mosts games but die because I've made a stupid mistake or someones seen me before I've seen them. most of my deaths come from being out in the open and being sniped.
This isn't the game for you then. I like the 3rd person element personally, it has its merits, just like 1st person mode will

I like the 3rd person as well... mostly because it feels different and offers a different style of gameplay to yet another first person shooter... I've played tons of those and don't want every game to be shoehorned into the exact same design
Why would you want to play this in fp? Everything about the game the visuals the game play is in 3rd person. It doesn't feel right in fp
Why wouldn't you want to play in 1st person, sick of people wall/building/tree camping with impunity because they don't have to step out of cover to see where you are as you approach. FP will add a whole new dynamic to the game.
Why did I open my damn box....ARGH!

In hindsight it seems obvious not to as the main £ stuff is more expensive still in the box. No idea why but there we go lol

Still got all my kit and watching the prices go all over the place - figure months from now when all the new players haven't had the chance of the twitch stuff it might go up in value :)
Why wouldn't you want to play in 1st person, sick of people wall/building/tree camping with impunity because they don't have to step out of cover to see where you are as you approach. FP will add a whole new dynamic to the game.

The dynamic of being exactly like every other same-y FPS that's already out there? Maybe next they'll add an arbitrary XP upgrade system and kill-streak rewards and perk loadouts too and then *finally* I'll be able to take this game seriously and enjoy it
The dynamic of being exactly like every other same-y FPS that's already out there? Maybe next they'll add an arbitrary XP upgrade system and kill-streak rewards and perk loadouts too and then *finally* I'll be able to take this game seriously and enjoy it

But even as a first person shooter, it's nothing like any other FPS out there in that there is no instant respawn, no instant getting back into the action, no instant weapon loadout, it's permadeath, make a mistake and you have to wait for the next game.

It's not like they're forcing anyone to play FP, I just personally can't wait as it'll separate the men from the boys ;) Everyone else can carry on playing their easy mode 3rd person, i'll be on FP unless I can't find a squad of regulars, then i'll come play 3P.
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