Cheers, i have a 6700k 16GB ram and a 780ti, that i think is almost = to a vanilla 980, and i play only at 1080, so i should be ok.I7 4790. GTI 980ti, 16gb ram and my res is 2560x1440. Considering I read that the game is not optomised I've very pleased with the performance I'm getting.
Can always stick this in your launch options guys for higher FPS
-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system -sm4
Will drop your graphics a tad (sm4 bit anyway, drops it down to dx10 iirc)
Refunded mine, by the time they sort it out will be on a sale or cheaper I just don't like the way the engine feels at the moment.
Quite like the game but it's just miles away from being optimized so what's the point unless you have an ultra ultra high end rig you're gonna be chugging.
I was watching goldglove he has 5690x and dual titans and he was dipping below 60 fps now and then.It's a very demanding unoptimized game.
Refunded mine, by the time they sort it out will be on a sale or cheaper I just don't like the way the engine feels at the moment.
Quite like the game but it's just miles away from being optimized so what's the point unless you have an ultra ultra high end rig you're gonna be chugging.
Very nice, hard to believe that just a 970 can run game that good, how many fps you play at, i like at least 60 constant myself if possible.Running with the rig in my sig at 1080 on ultra with no noticeable slowdowns.
Running with the rig in my sig at 1080 on ultra with no noticeable slowdowns.
I call shenanigans! The game isn't smooth on ultra with the system in my signature, let alone yours!
Very nice, hard to believe that just a 970 can run game that good, how many fps you play at, i like at least 60 constant myself if possible.