Most start from some popular streamer and it becomes the weekly meme, used to be the snake thing in lobbies but I haven't seen that for a few week.

not likely the source, but I googled PUBG Thomas and this video was top of the search returns.....I'm gonna say it's this guy! :p

even if it's not it's hella funny!

Picked up the 8x scope for the first time with a good gun... got down to 10 players left. Bagged 4 kills, the most I've managed... but then died by jumping out of a buggy before it had stopped.

Raging, but enjoyable rage.
had loads of top 5s all in a row last two days been unlucky then just picked up another squad win just now.which just worked. you do know when the game flows your way.
So last night had a crappy drop, couldn't find any AR's, ran most of the game with an S12K shotgun...however I had an AR silencer with a red dot on it. Jesus christ does that thing destroy, it's near silent so you can get up close and drop folks without anyone else knowing where the shots came from. Most Ar's i've used with a silencer are still quite easy to zero in on, this thing, no chance.
Managed my first solo dinner! Only took 30 hours :/

In the 2nd to last circle all 4 enemies were hiding in houses so I took a chance and waited outside in the grass. Sure enough the final circle cut out the houses! Popped them one by one as they ran and crawled out towards me. Very satisfying.

I was scoped for the last kill and it pulled out to a nice picture of my rear for the screenshot! Sorry.

GODDDAMNN!"!! it was 1v1 in the final circle, I hadn't moved from weeds with my ghille suit for about 3 minutes as the final circles closed in around me, heart thumping like crazy and eyes scanning 180 degrees in front of me for movement, "PATPATPATPAT" /me omgwhereishe!! I turn left to my 200 degrees and blind fired a few probing shots, but it was too late, I died without spotting him at all :(
Just installing now. Any tips for a total novice?>
There are some great guides on YouTube about getting started.

Best tip I've found so far is to not spam use bandages - let them build up white over the bar, don't use then use the moment one has finished being applied. Wait for the bar to fill!
There are some great guides on YouTube about getting started.

Best tip I've found so far is to not spam use bandages - let them build up white over the bar, don't use then use the moment one has finished being applied. Wait for the bar to fill!

Bandages are so plentiful in this game, it's a non issue, further to that, drop bandages to make space for first aid kits.
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