My PC should be more than adequate to run the game on Ultra, at first I did but then occasionally is would get severe fps drops. Now I play everything on low except draw distance which is set to medium. Fps drops can still go from 100+ to 30+ :( But that's the way it is and I reckon at some point the fps drops will be solved.

It's pretty crazy the disparity between different systems and the performance of the game... I seem to be one of the lucky ones and can run at quite high settings without any major problems; with everything on Ultra apart from shadows on high and foliage on very low I get perfectly smooth performance without drops *but* my card temps go through the roof... I've now dropped a few of the other settings down from Ultra to high which keeps temps a bit more stable and is still smooth... (this is on a 5820K, 32Gb RAM and a 980Ti)... I did notice the VRAM usage goes up pretty high (~4.5Gb) so maybe that's an issue?
Back in the day, i admit i use to play games like quake 3 all on low, to give me a advantage, but now, if i am playing games for hours and more for enjoyment now, i like my games to look nice also, so i play this game all on ultra/high settings, not that it makes game look much better, but low settings do make it look bad.
I run everything on max other than effects which are on low - 2500k, 16GB, 980Ti, and everything runs really smooth for me.

Another 2nd place yesterday, had a really bad start, dropped next to some other guys, managed to find an M16 almost immediately, the guys next to us started laying down fire on my team mate. I managed to get around them and take them both down. By the time this was over, the white zone had started and was miles away, couldn't find a vehicle so I had to leg it cross country, the zone closed and by the time I'd get in the white circle, I was down to about a quarter health with no medical supplies.

Pretty uneventful for most of the game, then when it got down to the last 10, my team mate got shot in the back and taken out and I was stuck in the final small circle with 3 guys, I could see both, one nearest to me was downed then proceeded to crawl next to me and follow me through some bushes - he eventually died and thankfully didn't give my position away. I saw the other guy hiding in some tall grass, got two solid shots off on him but couldn't finish him. He got a shot in and took me out almost instantly due to me having such low health and barely any good gear other than guns.

So close that time, still crazy exhilerating!
i think the problem is many newer games add all kinds of stupid blur post process bad aa just looks cleaner on low like many games.

unreal 4 has a weird look in general anyway but paired with bad aa types it can look even worse even on high settings.

strange atari as one of our lot runs a ocd 2500k and it drops really bad in some the fact that he brought a new rig mainly to play this.hes just ordered a 7900x and a 1080ti so massive jump for him and will be great to see him enjoy the game more.
i think the problem is many newer games add all kinds of stupid blur post process bad aa just looks cleaner on low like many games.

unreal 4 has a weird look in general anyway but paired with bad aa types it can look even worse even on high settings.

strange atari as one of our lot runs a ocd 2500k and it drops really bad in some the fact that he brought a new rig mainly to play this.hes just ordered a 7900x and a 1080ti so massive jump for him and will be great to see him enjoy the game more.

Very odd, I'm overclocked to 4.6GHz but I've never noticed any real slowdown in the game - I get the occasional frame stutter from time to time but that's the worst of it. I had issues previously on a GTX 970 suffering from fps drops, but I don't know if that was due to VRAM issues. I purchased the 980Ti recently along with the game again and it's totally different now (though I'm not sure if it's down to optimisation in the time period between).

Sounds like he's upgraded to a massively better rig so hopefully he'll be able to enjoy all the games now :D
I've got most settings on medium and foliage on low, draw distance ultra and it seems to be running ok now.

One thing that is annoying is no toggle to sprint button. I see there is a toggle to run but it doesn't seem to do any thing?

Another thing is zooming in when you have a scope. I've changed the bind to space bar and to zoom in I have to double tap it which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, it's annoying when you're quickly trying to scope on someone and it doesn't work.
I've got most settings on medium and foliage on low, draw distance ultra and it seems to be running ok now.

One thing that is annoying is no toggle to sprint button. I see there is a toggle to run but it doesn't seem to do any thing?

Another thing is zooming in when you have a scope. I've changed the bind to space bar and to zoom in I have to double tap it which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, it's annoying when you're quickly trying to scope on someone and it doesn't work.

Doesn't a single click of the right mouse button get you scoped in?
Doesn't a single click of the right mouse button get you scoped in?

Single "tap" RMB click toggles scoped on/off (requiring a second "tap" to unscope)..

Double click RMB and hold brings up scope until you release the button again...

As for the performance the pattern amongst the guys I play with (and here so far) is that cards with less VRAM (and particularly 970s) struggle with performance...
I've got most settings on medium and foliage on low, draw distance ultra and it seems to be running ok now.

One thing that is annoying is no toggle to sprint button. I see there is a toggle to run but it doesn't seem to do any thing?

Another thing is zooming in when you have a scope. I've changed the bind to space bar and to zoom in I have to double tap it which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, it's annoying when you're quickly trying to scope on someone and it doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure that a single press of the = key does auto run. You can lock your direction and look around then.
As for the performance the pattern amongst the guys I play with (and here so far) is that cards with less VRAM (and particularly 970s) struggle with performance...

970 user here on 335 hours played, barely notice FPS drops at all, however I only game at 1080p.

I'm quite vocal about my lag when I play and if/when it does happen, it normally coincides with my squad mates.
Be careful doing this as it can make your FPS drop due to loading up your CPU and not your GPU. It also makes little difference with regards to visibility.

Yep, pretty sure I read on several occasions now that dropping your settings like Foliage for example will not give you a better view anymore as it was patched.
On the performance front I rarely have any trouble with just a 4GHz 2500k paired with a 1070.

Everything high/ultra, except foliage (but do I need this on low any more?)
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