970 user here on 335 hours played, barely notice FPS drops at all, however I only game at 1080p.

I'm quite vocal about my lag when I play and if/when it does happen, it normally coincides with my squad mates.

Well there goes that theory then! I'm not sure it's lag necessarily though (in the network sense)... the guys I play with report it seems worse when panning the camera in a way that reveals large amounts more stuff to be drawn (not that I can replicate it myself)... A lot of them play with everything on very low but similar to the chap above I can't bring myself to do that :p
Well there goes that theory then! I'm not sure it's lag necessarily though (in the network sense)... the guys I play with report it seems worse when panning the camera in a way that reveals large amounts more stuff to be drawn (not that I can replicate it myself)... A lot of them play with everything on very low but similar to the chap above I can't bring myself to do that :p

I'm on a mix of high/ultra with one setting on low ;)
Anyone else have this weird halo effect in game? See it below the plane? Notice it over water the most...but it's there around the character on the title screen too:
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The last two days I've never played so bad. Struggling to get below #80, and only lasting minutes! Even trying to stay away from others at the start.
managed three 5th places now. Thought I had a good chance on the last one, was down to last 15 and I was way out in the blue zone when I found a car and just drove right to the middle past every one. killed one guy camping in the center but then got shot in the back again. Got to work on being more sneaky when it gets down to the last few zones.
Got my second solo chicken dinner tonight, I did not think it would be this game as I struggled so bad at the start being in the gas, not having a car to escape, gun fights along the way, and having no health items heading into the final......but I pulled it out the bag....

What an ending, heart was pounding.
I think we all got a bit excited :D. No worries at all! That kar98 guy ****** me off lol.

Don't normally get that excited, think it was because we were all playing more than well enough to get the win, silly mistakes let us all down.

great call on the lighthouse though, under a constant barrage of sniper fire I wasn't sure it was the right call but we made a great comeback
Got my first solo chicken fun last night! 11 kills out of 93 players too I was chuffed. What a feeling. My girlfriend didn't seem to appreciate what I had just done for mankind during that game.i haven't played much I just check back every few weeks and it's noticeably better now than last time
Got a 2nd in squad on an Asia server last night, not bad considering I couldn't communicate with any of my team! In the end one guy two two of us down
Managed to get to rank 2,567 on solo queue which I'm happy with seeing how I run and gun at the start, got 329 solo games and top 10 rate of 10% so not that great. The games can take slightly longer to pop and have had a few games that have had to launch at 80 people.

Since getting my new PC ([email protected] and 1080ti Strix gaming on a Z35P) I've had maybe 2 FPS drops in around 100 + hours on it with everything on ultra. Seriously love this game
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