Managed to get to rank 2,567 on solo queue which I'm happy with seeing how I run and gun at the start, got 329 solo games and top 10 rate of 10% so not that great. The games can take slightly longer to pop and have had a few games that have had to launch at 80 people.

What's your win rate to get that rank?
After a week or so out got a 3rd place yesterday in solo after a couple of duo/squad games. Could see one of the guys so was concentrating on where he was heading when the other guy popped out from somewhere I thought I'd checked :(
What's your win rate to get that rank?
I only have 2 wins out of all of those games :( have 36 top 10s, avg survival time 12 mins and 273 kills, you lose lots of points if you die quick and what not and you seem to get decent points the higher you finish and the amount of damage you do.

For a 2nd or 3rd finish with one kill I got + 31 points, for a finish 9-10th place with 0 kills I got + 9 points.
I seem to do pretty consistently well in the early game and often make it to the top 20 or even top 10, but then tend to make some sort of mistake in the closing phases (getting caught out by the circle being quite a common one!)... Feels like I learn a little each time though so hopefully my first solo win will come around eventually (have won a few in duo and squad, just not solo). Have checked my stats and they are terrible but I'm having fun so not too bothered!
It's crazy when watching some of the streamers, the stuff they see, like I miss a guy laying down on the floor in front of me, they can notice a door open what looks like ages away and can see a slight stationairy pixle and be like yea, that's a person and shoot at them a few times and kill them -.-

I watched Viss last night playing with DrD and the last kill I swear the guy by the rock he killed only had the slightest of his body showing and Viss just annihilated him.
I only have 2 wins out of all of those games :( have 36 top 10s, avg survival time 12 mins and 273 kills, you lose lots of points if you die quick and what not and you seem to get decent points the higher you finish and the amount of damage you do.

For a 2nd or 3rd finish with one kill I got + 31 points, for a finish 9-10th place with 0 kills I got + 9 points.

That is an impressively high rank to get with just two wins, it's good to know you can climb the ranks on performance and not just wins.
That is an impressively high rank to get with just two wins, it's good to know you can climb the ranks on performance and not just wins.
You can climb the ranks just by botting. Drop in afk and die, rinse and repeat a few 1000 times!
Ranks are relatively meaningless and will become less so. The more you play the more points you get. Irrespective if you play well or not. Sink enough time into the game and kill no one and you'll still climb the rankings.
The utter wombat with 1000 hours and 5 kills will be higher placed than the person who can only manage 100 hours but can headshot from a million miles away.
Single "tap" RMB click toggles scoped on/off (requiring a second "tap" to unscope)..

Double click RMB and hold brings up scope until you release the button again...

As for the performance the pattern amongst the guys I play with (and here so far) is that cards with less VRAM (and particularly 970s) struggle with performance...

I'm using a 1060 3GB @ 1900 (or 1920) x 1200 iirc and I have view distance on high, textures on medium, aa on medium, everything else on low or very low. get 110 fps constant with rare drops to 60fps when a lot of action on screen. even driving a car at full pelt i get 90fps.

3GB of VRAM is more than enough IMO unless you play at crazy res and/or fps/settings.

my mate using a 1080ti @ 4k struggles to hit 60fps constant with similar settings to me because 4K.

any links to confirm foliage can now be set to higher than ultra low?
Anyone else have this weird halo effect in game? See it below the plane? Notice it over water the most...but it's there around the character on the title screen too:


I get that also. I think I've only noticed it after the last patch though OR its coincided with me moving the display scale up to 120%
Still feel I'm God awful at this game but keep coming back for more! Played almost exclusively solo but might try and hop on discord tonight and squad up with anyone stupid...erm...brave enough to have a liability like me along for the ride!

Is there anything I need to do on discord/pubg other than sign up to the OCUK channel?
I'd like to know this too - duo/squad games have been far more entertaining than solo thus far.
Still feel I'm God awful at this game but keep coming back for more! Played almost exclusively solo but might try and hop on discord tonight and squad up with anyone stupid...erm...brave enough to have a liability like me along for the ride!

Is there anything I need to do on discord/pubg other than sign up to the OCUK channel?
post up in the #pubg message board and ask for a game. there is and nearly always folks about. you will have fun, I promise!
You can climb the ranks just by botting. Drop in afk and die, rinse and repeat a few 1000 times!
Ranks are relatively meaningless and will become less so. The more you play the more points you get. Irrespective if you play well or not. Sink enough time into the game and kill no one and you'll still climb the rankings.
The utter wombat with 1000 hours and 5 kills will be higher placed than the person who can only manage 100 hours but can headshot from a million miles away.

Haven't played this game but the last game I played where the rankings meant something was Battlefield Vietnam. I remember ranking top 100, then had one bad game and dropped to 120+ rank. Most ranking now in BF sounds similar to this where the more you play the higher you rank.

Keep getting tempted by this game but know I barely have time to do it justice :( (plus the camping aspect puts me off as always played FPS games run-and-gun style as that's what I enjoy.....oh decisions decisions)
You can climb the ranks just by botting. Drop in afk and die, rinse and repeat a few 1000 times!
Ranks are relatively meaningless and will become less so. The more you play the more points you get. Irrespective if you play well or not. Sink enough time into the game and kill no one and you'll still climb the rankings.
The utter wombat with 1000 hours and 5 kills will be higher placed than the person who can only manage 100 hours but can headshot from a million miles away.
You lose points though if you don't do well, I have less hours than one of my friends and I'm sure I'm a higher rank than him I'll double check. I'm not sure where you have to place in order to lose points though. I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure how it works but if I get more kills and finish higher I get more points than if I just finish high. If I die straight away I lose a fair few points. You could though realistically get super high rank like you said without killing a single person or firing a single shot. I'm sure before release they will refine the ELO you get from the matches, it will be interesting if it starts you off in placement matches like League or just a straight forward 1,200 ELO and then you work your way up.
You lose points though if you don't do well, I have less hours than one of my friends and I'm sure I'm a higher rank than him I'll double check. I'm not sure where you have to place in order to lose points though. I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure how it works but if I get more kills and finish higher I get more points than if I just finish high. If I die straight away I lose a fair few points. You could though realistically get super high rank like you said without killing a single person or firing a single shot. I'm sure before release they will refine the ELO you get from the matches, it will be interesting if it starts you off in placement matches like League or just a straight forward 1,200 ELO and then you work your way up.
not doubting you but I have never lost ranking points. at least not that I am aware, I spent a bit of time a few weeks back watching what was happening with my ranking as I wasn't totally believing the claims that there was match making in place (still don't at least not one that's in anyway practical or functional!!). I noticed that even if I died in 80+ position I was gaining (very few but still gaining) ranking points. as such to me it makes it meaningless. just means the afk bots will take longer to climb up the rankings. course if the player count were to remain static then yea the afk bots would end up slipping back down the ranks, but while the player count continues to increase this method of ranking is too flawed to pay any attention to.

I generally find ranking systems pointless in these type of games anyway. if they did make it work on a gain/lose points depending on finishing position people would just play the system to drop their ranking - any csgo players will know how much fun it is being on a team with a group of derankers!!
if they want to properly implement a ranking system they need to have an incentive for improving your ranking. - free to enter tournaments with prizes etc but only if you're in the 'x' percentile for a given period might be one way to go. if you've boosted or botted up the ranks you'll get found out in comp games
I'm having a horrendous time at the moment. Last 3 days squad games I've been next to useless, barely firing a shot let alone killing people while being a total bullet magnet. It's so frustrating, I'm far better in solo for some reason. I'm well aware I'm not very good but I shouldn't be that bad. Having a day off today, hopefully tomorrow I'll be better.
I'm having a horrendous time at the moment. Last 3 days squad games I've been next to useless, barely firing a shot let alone killing people while being a total bullet magnet. It's so frustrating, I'm far better in solo for some reason. I'm well aware I'm not very good but I shouldn't be that bad. Having a day off today, hopefully tomorrow I'll be better.
we all have days like those. go run the SEA or SA servers. there are plenty of plums on there you'll smash with relative ease. get your confidence back in no time.
not doubting you but I have never lost ranking points. at least not that I am aware, I spent a bit of time a few weeks back watching what was happening with my ranking as I wasn't totally believing the claims that there was match making in place (still don't at least not one that's in anyway practical or functional!!). I noticed that even if I died in 80+ position I was gaining (very few but still gaining) ranking points. as such to me it makes it meaningless. just means the afk bots will take longer to climb up the rankings. course if the player count were to remain static then yea the afk bots would end up slipping back down the ranks, but while the player count continues to increase this method of ranking is too flawed to pay any attention to.

I generally find ranking systems pointless in these type of games anyway. if they did make it work on a gain/lose points depending on finishing position people would just play the system to drop their ranking - any csgo players will know how much fun it is being on a team with a group of derankers!!
if they want to properly implement a ranking system they need to have an incentive for improving your ranking. - free to enter tournaments with prizes etc but only if you're in the 'x' percentile for a given period might be one way to go. if you've boosted or botted up the ranks you'll get found out in comp games
Hi mate, that's cool I didn't take it that way haha, have you checked out You can look through your matches and see all sorts of stats about it and what points you've gained and lost and it shows your rankings there, it's pretty cool.

The only reason I checked out my ranking is I was noticing more and more people were killing me easier and that their aim was much better and my friend said to me it's more than likely because I'm being matched with better people, he showed me this site and I had a look. You are right though some AFK can finish top 50 easy depending on the circles and lots of others.

I do agree with you about ranking being pointless, I feel I'm out of my depth now with the skill of some players as I'm not great at FPS and my aim is janky so I now have to utilize camping more and being a little bit more clever with how I move and what I do.
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