I've still not won a chicken dinner solo!! have won many duo's and squad games! Hope the new maps comes out soon, Finding it's getting abit stale!
Had my first experience of PUBG last night. Had an amazing time. Went squad with a couple of friends and first couple of games I was getting used to controls (was expecting Arma3) and then 3rd game ranked 9th. Hoping to get a lot more in soon.
Thanks for the games last night. My personal highlights were getting run over the instant I landed, taking on an entire squad with just a machete and throwing a smoke grenade at a prone enemy as it was the only weapon I had. Good times.

I need to improve. A lot.
Lately I've taken to just always dropping into the most populated and dangerous place I can to try and get combat practice, as I feel my looting n' running game isn't too bad, and I haven't had quite as much time to play in the evenings... Also quite often joining squad games as a solo player; at first I assumed it would be impossible but it seems to be good practice and you almost have a bit of an advantage - people in squads often don't play so carefully and you've more chance of spotting them, plus you can have fun exploiting their will to save their squadmates if you happen to knock one of them down
Had my best ever game last night with the guys from Discord ! 4 team game on EU server and we all ended up with about 6 or 7 kills each with a nice chicken Dinner win ! really need to start recording my games because this one was fantastic. , I'm pretty sure we all had level 3 helmets along with level 3 chests and Sniper guns , SKS and Kar98 - We total destroyed all the teams that engaged with us. my best game to date.

Really looking forward to these new crate items ! That Yellow Suit looks SWEET
I put in an order for a chicken dinner but I still haven't received mine yet, there's always one person ahead of me in the queue who takes the last one. :(
Haven't done squads in a while so I might jump online for a few games tonight.
I picked this up a few months ago but have only played a handful of games. I originally got interested after I started watching my son playing it and it not only looked fun but there is an intensity to it in the last few minutes that most games lack. I have never got anywhere near the BBQ let alone a solo chicken dinner LOL :p

My problem is I seem to be the kid in Battle Royale that always gets the frying pan instead of the 357 Magnum when landing and looting. Oh Well. Maybe I'll try and get on a bit more and get you lot to show me how its done. :D
I agree I have three pan kills to my name and count them as my best even over long range sniper kills.

Jumping pan headshot is king!
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