Literally this!

I think I bought a couple of cars in Rocket League but I don't think I've spent more than £25 on the whole game and dlc. It's my number 1 most played game on Steam so IMO I'm getting some seriously good value for money.

So long as the costumes in PUBG aren't ridiculously priced then I don't have a problem. If people buying these cosmetic items are helping to fund further free expansions to the game then I'm okay with it.

They've said future expansions etc will be free?
The outcry is complete nonsense.

And sorry if you ignore a game just because it's EA or 'microtransanctions' without even a thought then you are an equally foolish person. PUGB is one of the hottest games out right now for a reason.
Killing Floor2 had mass outcry too, but they at least let you (extremely rarely) loot a key to open chests that dropped.
That Reddit thread has been entertaining :p
People can buy what they want doesn't bother me. As long as the skins don't offer any advantage they can money grab away.

Besides it looks as though the money from this lot of crates is funding a tournament and charities. Would prefer it's just funding charities but it's not my choice.

This. As long as it doesn't go the way of CSGO skins and the gambling site's shenanigans then who cares?
Yeah it might well do tbh. But like I said, as long as its not pay to win I don't care.

Even if it does, who cares? If people want to gamble with their skins and get scammed, not really something I concern myself with TBH, the crate that is going to have paid keys is exactly like the E-Sports case that used to be in CS:GO which will fund the prizes for events and the like (can't see how this can be a successful e-sport mind but that's another topic)

I have no problem with cosmetic items being in crates that you pay to open, hell if it wasn't for that I wouldn't own this game as I bought it with the money I got from my AWP Hyperbeast :D
I like to look of this game but waiting until there are 1st person servers before I get it. Regarding the micro transactions, have they completely ruled them out for items that give you an in-game advantage like guns etc...???
I like to look of this game but waiting until there are 1st person servers before I get it. Regarding the micro transactions, have they completely ruled them out for items that give you an in-game advantage like guns etc...???

1st person POV servers and FOV slider comes in exactly a week, so not long to wait.

Pretty sure they won't make the game pay to win, the second that happens I'll be finished with it.
I like to look of this game but waiting until there are 1st person servers before I get it. Regarding the micro transactions, have they completely ruled them out for items that give you an in-game advantage like guns etc...???

only a moron would put pay to win into a game tbh. as the public hate it so much so they wouldn't buy a game with it included. i'd be interested to know are there any recent pay to win games out there that aren't mobile phone games?
can't see how this can be a successful e-sport mind but that's another topic
really, I think it's got great potential as an esport - never know maybe the OcUK group could get a pro team on the go! :p

I have no problem with cosmetic items being in crates that you pay to open, hell if it wasn't for that I wouldn't own this game as I bought it with the money I got from my AWP Hyperbeast :D
lol, same, sold ak of some sort for 50 quid and a awp for 15 bought a few games and had about 45 quid left so bought this - steam wallet is back at 45 quid after selling the skins I get!! PUBG for free - yes please!
Indeed. Although I fully expect it to go the way of csgo.

To be fair it sounds more akin to rocket league, where you get rewarded crates with cosmetics, but then need to buy keys to open them. Alternatively trade away crates for 1 or 2 keys, although I'd like an in-game way of doing that for security really :) I guess selling on steam marketplace works too though
To be fair it sounds more akin to rocket league, where you get rewarded crates with cosmetics, but then need to buy keys to open them. Alternatively trade away crates for 1 or 2 keys, although I'd like an in-game way of doing that for security really :) I guess selling on steam marketplace works too though
Is that not how csgo works as well? :confused:
its already in esl has the player base. a good system already.its fun to will work.

I just don't expect it to last as an E-sport, it has the player base yes, but if you look at the big e-sports games (CS, LOL, DOTA, overwatch) they are all skill based games with no RNG elements, PUBG by it's very nature is massively RNG dependant, your squad lands somewhere with bad loot, you will get rekt by people of equivalent skill who just had the blind luck of better loot, you end up by pure luck in a better position due to a circle move again you will batter a team of equivalent ability.
I definitely feel there needs to be a bit more variation after playing it quite a bit in the evenings this week. I enjoy it, but a new map or two would be sweet. More weapons too possibly? It just seems very rinse and repeat to me at the moment, land, scavenge for anything, aim for an M16 / ump / Kar combo and away I go. I know custom servers are around, but something more officially supported would be nice.

Smaller start zone with different weapon sets for example. More scarce "high end" weapons. Just different scenarios to spice it up a little.
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