Made 100million, and now they want to milk us.

We are milking ourselves:

I don't see the issue in all honesty. Most games do this anyway so may as well do it from the off instead of bringing it in when the game goes gold.

I usually end up naked as the round progresses anyway lmao
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Don't buy them then?

Literally this!

I think I bought a couple of cars in Rocket League but I don't think I've spent more than £25 on the whole game and dlc. It's my number 1 most played game on Steam so IMO I'm getting some seriously good value for money.

So long as the costumes in PUBG aren't ridiculously priced then I don't have a problem. If people buying these cosmetic items are helping to fund further free expansions to the game then I'm okay with it.
As much as I hate microtransactions, I bet nobody is complaining about the £ theyve made from selling them so far.

Think I'm close to £20 now, plus ive had fun making it
im not bothered about the crates its not really a surprise if they follow the csgo long as the games fun.who cares
Tbh i'm just happy they'll be making some more money... MEans they'll continue to support the game!

You guys are idiots at time..... Heaven forbid they try and make some money to support the game!

I'm really happy with creates, means i['l have more reason to play and earn BP's
People can buy what they want doesn't bother me. As long as the skins don't offer any advantage they can money grab away.

I don't buy the people arguing they need the money for development or supporting the game. That's what we bought EA for.

Besides it looks as though the money from this lot of crates is funding a tournament and charities. Would prefer it's just funding charities but it's not my choice.
I'm always in two minds about crates...

On the one hand my gut instinct always says "meh, I don't care"... because I don't really, I would have a problem with it if the crate contents offered some sort of powerful weapon or attachment or whatever but if it's just cosmetic and supports the game it doesn't bother me that I might not be able to have it all without spending cash (which I have and will never do!)

But I've heard some good arguments from the other perspective (Jim Sterling in particular has a good video about it)... the point goes that ultimately customisation of your character is a part of the game, like it or not, and being locked completely out of that (or at least being practically locked out due to excessive "gold" requirements to acquire the loot without spending) because you don't want to hand over more cash does act to diminish the game experience (in a small way, sure, but in a way none-the-less)
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