I've found wait times to be slightly longer the better your rank is, but it's only really noticeable at off-peak times. I always mute the game and play music till I've landed from the plane anyway so I don't notice much delay.

Also coming from CS the wait time is much improved, normally at least 5 mins of 'warm up' during which you'll sometimes find someone drop out and the game won't start and you'll need to rematch.. None of that nonsense in PUBG thankfully.
Since the mini-14 patch I barely even see the full minute in the waiting area.

Load in > 20-30 second count down and then onto the plane like usual

EU FPP Duo / Solo
Im about 100 hours in and have come across two blatant cheaters. The last one had an sks and was sat on back seat of a moving buggy and wiped out my squad in seconds, of which we were split across two cars and moving at speed. Just minutes before we thought something was odd when we saw one player get about 6-7 kills in succession.

i have had some guy immediately headshot me and squad member when we have both just dropped from the plane and got into a boat within second of landing and we were doing 80+ km/h on the water and the nearest houses were 200+m away.

thing is though how do you know if someone is using non blatant hacks? you don't so nobody knows for sure how bad the hacking scene is. for example wall hacking could be rife.
i have had some guy immediately headshot me and squad member when we have both just dropped from the plane and got into a boat within second of landing and we were doing 80+ km/h on the water and the nearest houses were 200+m away.

thing is though how do you know if someone is using non blatant hacks? you don't so nobody knows for sure how bad the hacking scene is. for example wall hacking could be rife.

I flat out refuse to believe anybody is that good. Especially when firing from the back seat of a movibg buggy.

Like I said in my post, my encounter was 100% definate cheating. The game feed showed one guy getting about 7-8 kills within the space of a minute abiut 5 mins after landing. Then we all got headshotted out our moving vehicles in our squad. It was just so nailed on hacking. All four of us reported him.
I flat out refuse to believe anybody is that good. Especially when firing from the back seat of a movibg buggy.

Like I said in my post, my encounter was 100% definate cheating. The game feed showed one guy getting about 7-8 kills within the space of a minute abiut 5 mins after landing. Then we all got headshotted out our moving vehicles in our squad. It was just so nailed on hacking. All four of us reported him.
are you playing on the test server by any chance? I used to play quite a bit on it and the wait times there could be quite a lot longer than the normal servers

Doh! Didn't even realise there were 2 versions of the game. Been playing test server, seems I need to install the non test server...

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I'm interested in getting this game...but... is it still fun if you play on your own? is there only duo and group mode? or is there a sort of massive tdm? I don't know a great deal about this game and only seen a couple of vids on youtube but it looks quite good from whet ive seen :)
I'm interested in getting this game...but... is it still fun if you play on your own? is there only duo and group mode? or is there a sort of massive tdm? I don't know a great deal about this game and only seen a couple of vids on youtube but it looks quite good from whet ive seen :)

Solo, duo, squad in both 3rd person and FP modes
I'm interested in getting this game...but... is it still fun if you play on your own? is there only duo and group mode? or is there a sort of massive tdm? I don't know a great deal about this game and only seen a couple of vids on youtube but it looks quite good from whet ive seen :)

My honest review - It's a lot of fun, once you get into a game (I have just discovered you should not use the test server if you value your time!) and once you get used to the quirks. It's like a cross between GTA V online, with a bit of Stalker, and the controls/feel of Arma (but less clunky)

I play on my own, and it's decent. It can be a bit of a walking sim at times, but a "tense" walking sim - you are often trying to outrun a creeping wall of death whilst not being shot in the back of the head by someone else. I ran for about 10 minutes across the map yesterday only to die 10m from the right side of the force field thing. Now, that actually sounds more annoying than it was. Beating the wall was a mini game in itself. I was so far away from the shrinking play zone I knew the wall would eventually catch me up, but I only had half health. The wall travels faster than you and slowly leeches your health. I needed to take the most direct route to the new play zone; however I also had to decide whether or not to stop and search for medkits or bandages on the way. Could I outrun the wall with the health I had left, or would I have to risk searching for health on the way? In the end I had a panicked rush into a house and found some bandages. I had to wait for another few seconds to make sure some dude on a motorbike had safely passed before I set off. In the end I just couldn't apply the bandages in time and fell down dead about 2 seconds from the wall.

It's great when you lay in wait on the safe side of the wall for people who have just done exactly the same thing just to then pop up from behind a wall and shoot them in the face. It's also nice to find some decent gear as a bit of a treat.

There is a lot to think about compared to a regular run and gun. You need to make fairly quick decisions and it's unforgiving at the start. Worth the 20-25 quid or so. Hopefully some of the weird quirks will be ironed out in time. Trying to get over a 2 foot wall is a complete pain in the ****, for example.

It has been a fairly quick grower for me; however how long it will stay fresh remains to be seen. There's not much else out at the mo, I only really play bf1 and this now.
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