There's ways and means to hide it for the viewers, trying to find the video where a guy was playing with an ESP but it wasn't showing that on the stream until he accidently alt tabbed one day :D

that is crazy. i would have thought whatever the streamer sees is what is displayed on stream. if cheats really are that advanced then i don't see how developers can really stop all of them. however i do believe this development team is out of it's depth anyway never mind having to deal with this additionally.

i have been getting constant crashes for the past week or so. coffeelake 8400 (6 cores), 16GB 3000 mhz ram, GTX 1080. 2 x nvme M2 ssd drives (one for OS and one for games). i may start sending crash reports i usually don't as i want to get back into the game but if it helps them then it should be worth it in the long run. i get sometimes 3 in a row right after the first.
I'm convinced there are some streamers are cheating in this. It's just crazy how they see people when they are just a pixel, or instantly know where shots came from to the exact point.

The only Streamers I watch are Shroud & DrDisrespect and they are both on another level but it comes down to the amount of time they put in to FPS - These guys play them non stop everyday so obviously they are going to be pretty dam good! as they say practice does make perfect.

Also i don't see what benefit a streamer is going to gain from cheating when they are being watched by others! would be a lot more hassle than its worth.

You are always going to get Cheats in games and they are DAM easy to spot if you know what too look for......
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Also i don't see what benefit a streamer is going to gain from cheating when they are being watched by others! would be a lot more hassle than its worth.

Well, they making tons of money out of it. If you watch his streams, he's getting donated £1000's per stream.

I personally, don't think the Doc cheats, but he's human like anyone, so anything is possible.
The only Streamers I watch are Shroud & DrDisrespect and they are both on another level but it comes down to the amount of time they put in to FPS - These guys play them non stop everyday so obviously they are going to be pretty dam good! as they say practice does make perfect.

Also i don't see what benefit a streamer is going to gain from cheating when they are being watched by others! would be a lot more hassle than its worth.

It makes them look 1337 to the kiddywinks, they get more follows and more subscribers etc and therefore make some money out of it, if they don't get caught.

If you're not that great at the game peoples incentive to follow is going to be lower, unless youve got a character selling point like the doc.

The temptation to cheat with so much being on offer must be really hard to resist, as long as youre not stupid enough to get caught.
I imagine the biggest problem would be off days. You can earn a lot of money destroying people but when you start to slip as you get older/just a bad week/fatigue you start losing money. I imagine there's quite an incentive to cheat at that level just to stay consistent.
People watch Shroud for his skills , I watch Dr-disrespect because he makes me laugh - if he was cheating then that would just add to his humour even more so lol.
Was gonna say, is DrDis even that good? In Shrouds stream highlight vids on YouTube all I'm seeing is DrDis being revived

I think Shroud is better. He always seems to be getting the kills first, that said, Doc could be just unlucky. When I play in a Squad, everyone is getting kills and wiping out and am always behind, doing revives. Maybe it's just a case of them meeting the enemy first.

But Doc sniper skills are god like amazing at times.
it's likely your PC is trash.

sticking settings on low takes all the strain off your GPU and onto your CPU. which is why nobody should be playing on low if they have a decent GPU.

Is this confirmed? Is it any setting on low that does this or specific ones?

Right that explains it then! Well i feel a lot better now knowing im not the only one, To be honest it feel pretty unplayable at the moment on my system its lagging really bad, its like the picture is juddering every now and then.... its worse in some area more than others.

It's even worse on my gaming laptop, noticeable delay every time i loot anything.
I think Shroud is better. He always seems to be getting the kills first, that said, Doc could be just unlucky. When I play in a Squad, everyone is getting kills and wiping out and am always behind, doing revives. Maybe it's just a case of them meeting the enemy first.

But Doc sniper skills are god like amazing at times.

It's pretty obvious Shroud is 10 times the player Dr is. He's an ex pro CS player. Dr is an ex PR agent for a games company. It's like comparing an ex formula 1 driver's driving skills in a road car vs someone in the marketing department for toyota.

Is this confirmed? Is it any setting on low that does this or specific ones?

It's even worse on my gaming laptop, noticeable delay every time i loot anything.

it's pretty obvious if you look at peoples cpu cycles. use nvidia optimised settings in geforce experience for the best results. if i have my settings on high then i switch to low i gain only 10 fps that is because the strain has been taken off the GPU and now my CPU is struggling. the game isn't optimised at all so that is why it requires both a powerful cpu and a powerful gpu to run well.
People watch Shroud for his skills , I watch Dr-disrespect because he makes me laugh - if he was cheating then that would just add to his humour even more so lol.
Shroud is arguably the best player on PUBG, his aim is insane (after so much CS) As the Doc put it, he has hardly any "wasted" mouse movement.

The Doc is still a good player, but like you said you watch him for the comedy. The clip of him killing Summit cracks me up everytime I watch it.

AA,Shadows and Post processing will hit cpu on very low. Rest didn't seem to affect CPU much when I was playing around.

What settings are you running now dude? Might have a tweak later
It's pretty obvious Shroud is 10 times the player Dr is. He's an ex pro CS player. Dr is an ex PR agent for a games company. It's like comparing an ex formula 1 driver's driving skills in a road car vs someone in the marketing department for toyota.

From my understanding, Guy created DrDisrespect and then got headhunted by Sledgehammer Games as a result of his YouTube presence. During that time, he stopped the character, not resuming it until he left the company.

The more accurate difference between them is that one is a former professional tournament player, and the other is an entertainer. It's more like comparing the skill set of Chris Eubank to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
I never install bloatware either, i prefer just the drivers and physics also, always uses the games graphics settings, always the best anyway, dont see the point of experience program.
it's likely your PC is trash.

sticking settings on low takes all the strain off your GPU and onto your CPU. which is why nobody should be playing on low if they have a decent GPU.

LOL. I'm running a 5.3 GHz 8700K and a Titan-Xp at almost 2100 MHz. It would run circles around whatever you are running and is literally one of the fastest computers in the world for playing PUBG.
if you want the best performance you mostly as low as possible textures ultra and view distance ultra.thats what i use and runs very high fps.everyone's systems is different.some don't even have this game installed on a ssd which is a total no no.
LOL. I'm running a 5.3 GHz 8700K and a Titan-Xp at almost 2100 MHz. It would run circles around whatever you are running and is literally one of the fastest computers in the world for playing PUBG.

Blah blah blah, if you don't like the game then just leave. Stop thread-trashing.

Personally I have cranked ~ 300 hours into the game. I'd call that value for money, regardless of any pre-release bugs.
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