Very nice patch notes, glad to see a lot of the issues being addressed and abit of optimization creeping in. Wonder how effective it will be.
I'm currently running on a 1050ti with 8gb ram and a x4 860k, I know I don't have the best setup, but how can I optimise the settings to run better? Got everything on medium except from anti-aliasing and view distance which are on high. I'm getting around 15 fps.

Should I be changing anything?
Drop it all to low, apparently view distance at low or might be medium renders in a 1/4 of the map which is more than enough.
Hmm must be something changed on my side - maybe an auto driver update? My FPS definitely seems improved since last time I played a couple of days ago.
Holy god this gets the heart pumping, just bought and installed tonight. Last solo game was down to the last 5 of us, took out 2 of them and other guy got the other. He crept up on me but he forgot to reload as i promptly ******* myself and just emptied into him. Hopefully the first chicken dinner of many.
Okay will do, anything you'd recomemd I upgrade on my pc?

Both your gpu and cpu are pretty underpowered, but i would say that a gpu update will net you most performance boost currently but you should really look at upgrading cpu at some point as well, a 4gb 480 would be a massive upgrade to what you have currently.

Edit: I didn't realise the 580's where out i'd probably go with a 4gb one of those.
My hits are failing to register loooads lately -hopefully tomorrow's patch will fix things. It's not just me being a terrible shot - they're within 100m, and not moving, headshot... nothing. Body shots... nothing. Right in the middle of the sights/scope
Got the Sniper Rifle for the first time yesterday, with an 8x Scope and missed every one of the 9 rounds I fired lol :(
Yeah I managed to pick up the M24 yesterday ran around for 10 mins then got shot in the back didn't even get to fire it. Still not been lucky enough to get the AWM, seems almost every time i hit up a crate its either got the m249 or tommy gun in it.
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