Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

I thought it was a really good conferance, just enought details, some amzing features, 8GB GDDR5, Gakai, Some good games. E3 will see other big hitters unvieled for sure, cant play all your cards at once.

Left me wanting more for sure.

wdit: lol its late
Nothing impressive at all really. I don't care about social gaming with friends etc, and gameplay graphics was either pre rendered or nothing my PC couldn't handle. Even the exclusives were a bit meh.
Oh and they're going back to x86 I think. Also 8Gb RAM. But that is it. What was the point...

I guess it was to start generating hype and interest.

It was nice to see some of the stuff but it wasn't really anything like a release announcement.

I also don't like how companies are all trying to ram 'social connectivity' down everyone's throats.
No one really expected to see the console, release date or Price, if you did then you should have done more research.

For those who are disappointed, seriously what did you expect? That was certainly not the worst announcement, in fact it was exactly what I expected and I can't wait to see more.

Sony proved that they had listened to developers but what's more important is they are listening to the gamers. 2 hours and they pretty much dedicated it to games which for me is what's it about.

What can I say though, what a fantastic tease by Sony.. and Blizzard as a partner that's a massive win and a big surprise. I'm not that excited by Diablo III however think of the possibility for the future, a console version of Titan?

Look forward to viewing the hi-def videos later.
tbh i diddnt see anything that yesterdays PC cant do nevermind todays pc.

Nvidia are about to launch a new gpu called Titan which will make pc gaming more advanced then ever before.

The graphics did not impress.

btw watch dogs is coming on PC as well.
Still trying to work out when they decided 8GB DDR5, thats just mental...

Jase has a point, if Sony are pleasing/listening to developers then thats got to be a good thing for us...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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