Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

They haven't made the bloody console yet. This felt rushed. Maybe they felt pressured to hold this announcement sooner than intended, maybe MS have got something lined up and they didn't want to look like they were behind?
I think people expected what is essentially an E3 conference....which it wasn't, you'll get that at E3 with Naughty Dog etc when they focus on the games and the final console form factor. It would have been nice to see the console, but the details about the UI features and GaiKai were pretty solid to indicate they're set up nicely as the generation progresses.
Kinda felt like they rushed the announcement just to beat Microsoft to it.

A few interesting things shown but nothing that makes me want to get a pre-order in just yet.
Id rather know the vague specs than what the console looks like - so Im happy :)

ps3ud0 :cool:


How the console looks would not really effect my purchasing decision.

Shown enough for today. Realistically they were always gonna save the big demos/hardware shots/gameplay/features/price/release date for E3, just to get more publicity.

I think people expected what is essentially an E3 conference....which it wasn't, you'll get that at E3 with Naughty Dog etc when they focus on the games and the final console form factor.

Then this entire thing was a huge waste of everyones times. Snorefest.

If your going to announce a console fricking sell it, show me the thing. Mehmehmeh.
They haven't made the bloody console yet. This felt rushed. Maybe they felt pressured to hold this announcement sooner than intended, maybe MS have got something lined up and they didn't want to look like they were behind?

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. What kinda company announces something like this and doesn't bring it along to the show.
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