Playstation 4 being announced February 20th?

Apologies in that case, it read like he was meaning Sony :)

The jury is out for me but so far MS seem to have put more effort into innovating

Instant on
Remote assistance within the game
Ease of cutting video from games

All things that could be seen as innovations considering the context

They all exist elsewhere, yes they do - but given they havent appeared on a leading console yet, its fair to describe them as such.

Without even considering that now its X86 based, its down to what developers can dream up (in one sense there is relatively little on the hardware front that either side can come up with thats worth the investment in these economic times)
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the best place to pre-order from nowadays is most likely going to be amazon, they probably will not be offering terrible made up bundles like game and all the other companies will.

but even then launch customers always get screwed.
The jury is out for me but so far MS seem to have put more effort into innovating, unless there's something under cover still PS4 just seems to have updated the hardware specs.

Be interesting to see, I suspect with the death of regular exclusive franchises it could come down to which has the better online gaming, apps and services offerings.
Would you mind elaborating on that please? Its hard I guess at times not to think MS are not just Kinecting everything, Id be interested if they are innovating in other ways?

Death of regular exclusive franchises? I dont think I agree with that at all

ps3ud0 :cool:
Once upon a time i would be woop woop new console blah blah etc. Now i just cant be arsed. My PS3 is fine as a blue ray and the odd game of NHL.
Blue ray?

Well that was very underwhelming! Not even a shot of the actual console itself.

I take it that the PS4 will have a HDD and not a SSD?
Instant on

I see this as only somewhat useful, turning on a console isn't too much of a chore. Where it will excel is if it can cut down on loading times, but I'm not sure its really designed for that, other than if you are say playing a single player game, rather than shut down you suspend it.

Remote assistance within the game

Surely it takes some of the fun away from playing games yourself if you need somebody else to take over for you. In terms of advertising assistance where its like co-op, it would seem that is a bit like putting a 'beacon' out on Xbox Live to play games, meaning the chances of getting help are probably slim unless you have a zillion friends. Also, surely these kind of features will be completely game dependent based on how the Developers implement them.

Ease of cutting video from games

I'm not sure how good this news is.
YouTube is already flooded with gaming videos as it is, but at least there is a barrier in place that you need to have spent money on a video out box. Now everyone will be able to do it!
Woot Demon/Dark Souls you will never annoy me when I have to take a phone call or go to the toilet anymore! Muhahahaha :mad:

ps3ud0 :cool:
I take it that the PS4 will have a HDD and not a SSD?

Almost certainly, however hopefully it will be at least SATA2 internally so swapping with a SSD will be a no brainer

For me the BC is a problem. IF they will allow me to play the PS3 games i have on disc completely free of charge over their new streaming service and it's just like playing the game live then i might go for the PS4, otherwise i will wait until I'm done with my current games then sell my PS3, by then the PS4 will be cheaper and more games available for it anyway. Also because of the new x86 architecture there's a bigger chance the PS5 will be fully backwards compatible.
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Suprising, I think that the 360 controller is generally seen as the better controller in the current generation, even by die hard PS fans. The next Xbox is rumored to have Blu-ray. Can't speak for reliability of next gen on either side though til we see them, certainly MS track record with 360 wasn't great in the early days.

I slightly prefer the PS3 controller, but have smaller hands than average. The analogue sticks could do with being less slippy.
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