Meh, nothing on there really takes my breath away - had a few good months though, I've not even started on MGR or Kingdoms of Amalur yet, so still fairly happy!
Do they ever do anything special for Christmas in terms of "free" games?
PS plus blog confirms ps4 games will only be redeemed through the ps4 store, so my plan to grab a decent backlog of ps4 games on the ps3 before buying the system has failed.
I wonder if the calibur of the instant games collection on PS4 will be as outstanding as it was on the PS3, or will we start getting crappy games now?
I think we'll be waiting a while for quality full retail games. I'm more bothered about what they'll release eventually that I've already played etc.
I think the PS Vita games are worth the sub anyway (Providing you own one of course)
Grid 2 only 5 months old? I must have been thinking of something else when I suggested that was a crap PS+ title. Wonder what though.