Playstation Plus

Meh, nothing on there really takes my breath away - had a few good months though, I've not even started on MGR or Kingdoms of Amalur yet, so still fairly happy!

Do they ever do anything special for Christmas in terms of "free" games?

Nah nothing special for christmas but the yearlong vita titles were suposed to be refreshed this month, and the guy on the blog said Uncharted and Gravity Rush are staying for the foreseeable future...not impressed with that
Meh. Nothing interesting this month then.

On the plus side, (hehe, "plus") it does mean I'll get a chance to catch up on the 20 odd games I still have to finish (or even start!).
PS plus blog confirms ps4 games will only be redeemed through the ps4 store, so my plan to grab a decent backlog of ps4 games on the ps3 before buying the system has failed.

Only 1 ps3 game sucks, hope this isn't a sign of things to come....
I was afraid of this as I've no intention of getting a PS4 until Jan/Feb. Was hoping to snag games through my PS3 like I can with Vita though I don't own one. Bugger.

Oh well, if I can nab one from Asda on release day I will.
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I wonder if the calibur of the instant games collection on PS4 will be as outstanding as it was on the PS3, or will we start getting crappy games now?

I think we'll be waiting a while for quality full retail games. I'm more bothered about what they'll release eventually that I've already played etc.

I think the PS Vita games are worth the sub anyway (Providing you own one of course :p)
hm: who do we believe?


+ Dharos on November 11th, 2013 at 8:22 am said:
Awesome games to look forward to, I have a somewhat dumb question but I wanted to confirm this just in case, if I get Resogun and Contrast as a Plus member through the store website, when I get a PS4 in 2 months or so(a bit tight on money atm), will they be on my instant game collection to download when I finally have the console?

  • + Morgan Haro on November 11th, 2013 at 9:50 am said: Yep; you should be able to do just that


    + GrayGargoyle on November 11th, 2013 at 8:56 am said:
    If PlayStation Plus members are not able to acquire a sparkling hunk of PlayStation 4 product this Friday or any Friday in the near future… will they still be able to add Resogun and Contrast to their download history?
    Apart from that, Ibb and Obb is one game I’ve been looking forward to playing this month.

    + Morgan Haro on November 11th, 2013 at 9:53 am said:
    yep; you should be able to put them in your download list as a PS plus member when they’re available to download on the web store.
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I think we'll be waiting a while for quality full retail games. I'm more bothered about what they'll release eventually that I've already played etc.

I think the PS Vita games are worth the sub anyway (Providing you own one of course :p)

I just hope they give us good games, even OLD 'Good' quality PS3 games I'd be happy enough with that.

PS+ has been the one factor that has kept me staying with Sony, I just hope they continue with this format going forward on this NextGen.

Dont get me wrong Im not expecting PS4 Free titles, just the same quality of PS3 (old or New) would suit me fine.
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To add to that conflicting blog stuff:


Just was reading through the blog posts from yesterday and screenied it, I know a lot of people were banking on being able to add ps4 games from plus before getting the console.

EDIT: Doh saw it's been mentioned, oh well a screenshot doesn't hurt!
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In the 'early days' I really wasn't fussed about PS+, but nowadays - especially with Vita and imminent PS4 - it really is a no-brainer. I have been very happy to date with the games offered, only not so happy with the huge backlog that has built up as I simply haven't enough time to actually play most of them :eek:
Thing is though, we've seen time and time again that the EU and USA PSN are ran very differently, hell they've had PS4 titles available to download on there for ages and we aren't getting anything till launch day, unfortunately games like warframe are running promotions based on pre-ordering, so we might be left out.
If people are that bothered maybe they could get a friend with a PS4 to log on to their account to purchase the PS+ games?
Grid 2 only 5 months old? I must have been thinking of something else when I suggested that was a crap PS+ title. Wonder what though.
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