***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Wifi Vita has been appearing on offer allot lately at around £180 mark which isnt bad either

I bought my 3G vita from my local blockbuster video store as it was the cheapest place that sold it in guernsey

I payed £275 for my 3G vita bundle which included two games (Uncharted:Golden Abyass & Rayman Origins)
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How does the Vita stack up as a media player? Been toying with getting one of these instead of a tablet but it needs to support watching videos etc!
Finally picked up my charger from work this morning so I can play again. 1.66 is downloading now.

Motorstorm RC Carnival pack will be right behind it.

No PS+ discount this time though.
Installed the update and instantly set to 10 min standby and disabled notifications (to stop the annoying pulsing PS button!). Not interested in the Near improvements, not interested in what people near me are playing and the little rewards you download seem largely pointless to me.

Disappointed at the lack of Vita content on today's store update though. Just seems to be DLC for launch titles, never any new games :(

Off to buy the MS DLC now :)

Thank god I can now browse the store without music!

Anyone rate ridge racer? Umming and ahhing about buying it.
Have gone through my download list and got all the minis I had from PS+, hoping to find some more gems like OMG-Z as I have only played a fraction of them on my PS3.

Going through the list I saw Ape Quest was an option, don't recall this being free in PS+ as it was a PSP game. Downloaded and working fine though and looks like it could be worth a bash.

Still annoyed about the delay with PS1 support though, hoping it doesn't turn out that Sony are playing us for suckers again.
Seen these dipping below the £200 mark for the wifi version.

£199 isn't too bad, if they hit £179 for a wifi version I would pick one up as I simply couldn't justify to the gf a £250 + handhold + games + memory card etc...

Anyhow, if Zen pinball appears on the Vita then I would 'really' want one as a decent pinball game on a handhold would be awesome..
Seen these dipping below the £200 mark for the wifi version.

£199 isn't too bad, if they hit £179 for a wifi version I would pick one up as I simply couldn't justify to the gf a £250 + handhold + games + memory card etc...

Anyhow, if Zen pinball appears on the Vita then I would 'really' want one as a decent pinball game on a handhold would be awesome..

They are £179.99! Zavvi outlet
really need a new game, not used it for ages :(, on a lighter note just turned it on from standby after like 2 weeks, impressed that it still had almost full battery, but yea need to justify my purchase!!
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