***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

8 Mar 2003
I never had a PSP so i'm really looking forward to the Vita. I've ordered the WiFi version from Amazon with Lumines and the 8Gb Card, though I have also ordered a separate 16Gb card as I think it will be better in the long run.

I'm really tempted by Fifa but I think it will have to wait given how much the above has already cost.

Exciting Stuff!
11 Nov 2002
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
If anyone is interested here's my take.

Played on a vita for a few hours a last month, played mod nations, augmented fighter game, uncharted and a game like cod, ghost recon plus a golf game.

The unit itself is nice, screen is big and gorgeous, probably too big to be fully portable, like an iPad really in that sense.

Some nice innovation, including touch screen, the pad on the back, augmented reality etc meaning it has a lot of potential.

It's billed as a ps3 in your hands but it really isn't, just like when the psp launched it was billed as a ps2 in your hands but it fell short, however the vita feels like it has the potential to get there or near enough. One let down is the screen is so crisp it shows up jaggys in their full unglory, making games very blocky considering their detail.

One other thing is that it is slow loading, games were on a Mem card don't know if the vita game carts are any faster.

Ui is really good, very impressed.

Overall it's an expensive bit of kit, but hopefully lessons are learned and it has a future, but currently I wouldn't pay anything above £150 for it, if it really was a ps3 in your hand aye, but right now it's not good enough for £230 min plus games.

Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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Nearly at the finish now, only days away. :D So looking forward to getting it. In my mind there are some good games to choose from, just need to slow down and not buy too many :D

Would be keen to get a beat up on the unit, Marvel Vs capcom 3 or Mortal Kombat (which I know is not out unit April)

Unit 13 I like the look of and Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus looks cool.

Roll on Wednesday.

SF x Tekken is out early March.
16 Jan 2003
If anyone is interested here's my take.

Played on a vita for a few hours a last month, played mod nations, augmented fighter game, uncharted and a game like cod, ghost recon plus a golf game.

The unit itself is nice, screen is big and gorgeous, probably too big to be fully portable, like an iPad really in that sense.

Some nice innovation, including touch screen, the pad on the back, augmented reality etc meaning it has a lot of potential.

It's billed as a ps3 in your hands but it really isn't, just like when the psp launched it was billed as a ps2 in your hands but it fell short, however the vita feels like it has the potential to get there or near enough. One let down is the screen is so crisp it shows up jaggys in their full unglory, making games very blocky considering their detail.

One other thing is that it is slow loading, games were on a Mem card don't know if the vita game carts are any faster.

Ui is really good, very impressed.

Overall it's an expensive bit of kit, but hopefully lessons are learned and it has a future, but currently I wouldn't pay anything above £150 for it, if it really was a ps3 in your hand aye, but right now it's not good enough for £230 min plus games.


It's not £230 min though, you're going to be able to pick one up for less than £200 on launch day.

As for the jaggies and such, a lot of the launch games, including Uncharted aren't running at native res, you have to take into account that launch games never take full advantage of a systems power.

Saying it's only worth £150 when it out performs even the top end smart phones which sell for £500+ is just silly.
10 Jan 2010
Nice impressions. I'm hoping it has a similar life to the PS3 really. Lacked titles at the start, but eventually became the platform with the highest number of quality exclusives. (imo obviously... but lets face it it's pretty true)
26 Nov 2005
Doon the Bay (Newcastle)
It's not £230 min though, you're going to be able to pick one up for less than £200 on launch day.

As for the jaggies and such, a lot of the launch games, including Uncharted aren't running at native res, you have to take into account that launch games never take full advantage of a systems power.

Saying it's only worth £150 when it out performs even the top end smart phones which sell for £500+ is just silly.

What you going to play on for £200? Demos? £200 for a demo machine, glad you've got the cash to fling around.

I said it had potential to be the billed spec of a ps3 in your hand, but not right now, nice arguing for arguing sake. :rolleyes:

Honestly comparing it to a phone, lol, is that you extracting the urine? Am I being whooshed? Jesus wept. Also which phone games cost £20-30? A phone is a phone, that's it's primary use, everything else is a byproduct. Really it fights with a 3ds that's it's Market.

Ps, stop crying, it suits you too much
26 Dec 2005
Im still undecided on whether to get it on launch or not, Wipeout is really the only game that appeals but I hate paying full whack for games although some of the lower price point games seem pretty good.

I think ill probably wait for the Gravity game to come out as its one im quite excited about, hopefully there will have been a wee price drop by then.
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