***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

Does the Vita have anywhere close to 10-15 games (Exclusive) that are 8-9/10?

I want a Vita, one of the OLED ones. But I'd need to have a minimum of say 15 quality games.
Does the Vita have anywhere close to 10-15 games (Exclusive) that are 8-9/10?

The answer almost entirely depends on how much you enjoy J-RPGs. There are many highly thought of Japanese games.

There aren't that many exclusives(western) tbh, and many that were are now on other platforms...Arkham Origins Blackgate and Assassin's Creed Liberation for example.

To my mind, the best of the actual exclusives would be: Uncharted, Killzone Mercenary(you won't believe how good it is!), Gravity Rush(is it on PS3 as well? not sure), Soul Sacrifice.

Edit- PS. I am pretty sure I am forgetting one really good game!
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Quite surprised how well Minecraft has ported to the Vita. Hadn't played it on any of the consoles before, just the PC, but the controls are great and performance seems pretty spot on.
Crossplay with the PS3 also, and can swap worlds between both according to one of the reviews.
Been away from the game for a long time, but think this might be worth a purchase.
MY new Vita is waiting for me back home, looking forward to getting fired into Wipeout 2048 whilst the Action pack is downloading.

I've been away from Sony since the PS1 (I'm an old school gamer, Nintendo and PC for years), and am looking forward to decent console quality beat em ups on he move, jRPGs, and hopefully catching up on Sony exclusives I've missed since the 90s.

There are loads of cues in this thread abut great Vita games, but what I'm after is recommendations of good PS2/PSP(/PS3?) games that are available on PSN (good game and good port).

Any recommendations? I never finished FF9 so that's getting downloaded!
My personal favourites are King Kong (not sure why), one of the Syphon Filters, GTA Vice City Stories, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Grand Turismo Mobile. If you ever played any games on PSP that you felt was crying out for a second analogue stick and used the face buttons to move the camera, then those games too as you can map the right analogue stick to the face buttons for PSP games.
I really like Pursuit Force, its a lot of fun. And Gangs of London was good but I played it a few years ago on PSP so memory may be a bit foggy. I remember really liking the dart minigame in it though.
Metal gear solid collection? I think the HD ports are supposed to be good. I am playing mgs 1 at the moment and that is fine on the vita though it is just the original ps1 version.
How does Minecraft compare to messing around on the PC version? I've tried the Android version which seems pretty similar (villages, mines, minecarts but no boats or food), is the vita similar to android version?
Vita is the same as the console version, pretty much the same as PC version. Can't say I've had any experience with Minecraft Pocket Edition though.

I think it's translates to handheld very well.
Hi would this be suitable for a 9 year old.

Amazon are doing the Lego pack and my kid loves the lego games for PS3 I used to have an old PsP how does vita compare.

Just realised I have PS+ but haven't really been online for months.

Time to download a few vita titles just in case.
I'm tempted to try some of the Japanese RPGs on the vita, having never played any of them what would be a good one to start with? Are the likes of Toukiden, Tale of hearts, Dragons crown good?
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I've got Dragons Crown, and it's good, but it's not a jRPG. More like Golden Axe with upgrades.

FFX is good (I'm playing at the moment), it's more trad jRPG.
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