***** PlayStation Vita Official Thread *****

It feels like forever since I put that £10 deposit down for that 3g NGP yes it was still called NGP when pre-ordered it and you just know the last week will feel like eternity.

Even worse, people in the US and Canada get it today if they ordered the early bundle.


However, they can at least provide us with more info!

Uncharted, Rayman, Lumines, Michael Jackson, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, Super Stardust Delta, Hustle Kings, Little Deviants, all have demos and at least 10% discounts from the US RRP

Also got sizes for
Escape Plan - 842MB
Rayman - 932MB
Lumines - 722MB
Little Deviants - 940MB
Virtua Tennis 4 - 1.2GB
UMvC3 - 1.5GB
Fifa - 3GB
Dungeon Hunter - 1.03GB
Michael Jackson - 1.6GB

Not all launch games are live on the store yet as the full release isn't until the 22nd, same as here.

Will add all the relevant to the OP
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Any chance someone could put the game review scores from IGN or similar in the thread as they come out? I'm at work and the firewall is stopping me seeing them. Thanks in advance!

I'm getting really excited about this now.
What's the best deal for a 3G with uncharted?

Am thinking Play at £292.99 as that pockets me the preorder pack and the cheap wipeout? Making the 3G good value for money over the wifi...
Giff Gaff is the only one worth getting, just top up £5 on the PAYG scheme and get a months 3G.


You'd have to be mental to go with anything else. £5 for 500Mb, no contract, top up when you need it (so you can miss months/weeks between top ups). You can also use the £5 credit for the net when you use up all your 500Mb data allowance.
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Giff Gaff is the only one worth getting, just top up £5 on the PAYG scheme and get a months 3G.


You'd have to be mental to go with anything else. £5 for 500Mb, no contract, top up when you need it (so you can miss months/weeks between top ups). You can also use the £5 credit for the net when you use up all your 500Mb data allowance.

Worth going with vodafone for the first month just for wipeout :p
Oh yes, that's what I will be doing.

After that, with the gigabag, you get 750Mb for £5 (500Mb, then 2p/Mb) in a month, or 500Mb in a month and 25Mb (20p/Mb) whenever you want, such as between top ups.
Giff Gaff is the only one worth getting, just top up £5 on the PAYG scheme and get a months 3G.


You'd have to be mental to go with anything else. £5 for 500Mb, no contract, top up when you need it (so you can miss months/weeks between top ups). You can also use the £5 credit for the net when you use up all your 500Mb data allowance.
You could try this


or this


giffgaff is on 02 which has a bad signal in my area.
I've got a 3 30 day contract sim, so it rolls each month, but you can cancel with 30 days notice. 2GB of data for £5.11.

It's not under their data deals, just look for sim only - the sim can be used for calls etc too, but has no bundled calls or texts.

Wow, didn't realise you could buy 3GB for £12 and just have throw-away Sims! Do they expire?

Edit: Ah, 3 months time limit. Pretty similar to the giffgaff offer then. Slightly better if you use it every week, slightly worse if you don't.
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Giff Gaff is the only one worth getting, just top up £5 on the PAYG scheme and get a months 3G.


You'd have to be mental to go with anything else. £5 for 500Mb, no contract, top up when you need it (so you can miss months/weeks between top ups). You can also use the £5 credit for the net when you use up all your 500Mb data allowance.

No the £5 credit would pay for your goodbag
Wow, didn't realise you could buy 3GB for £12 and just have throw-away Sims! Do they expire?

Edit: Ah, 3 months time limit. Pretty similar to the giffgaff offer then. Slightly better if you use it every week, slightly worse if you don't.

The 3 deal is overall a much better.

giffgaff 1gb a month = £12.50
giffgaff 750mb a month = £7.50
giffgaff 500mb a month = £5.00

Three 3gb over 3 months at £11.15 works out at £3.71 for 1 month.
got mine pre ordered in the game shop as I'm trading in my gears xbox and getting it for 80 quid, but they don't know wht bundles there getting yet...
Will the Vita use micro sim cards or normal?

Thinking of ordering one off giff gaff.

That 8gb card for £21 is a pretty sweet deal.
I think I'll buy all my games for the Vita off PSN incase Sony pull a "We're not supporting that format anymore" again. That's why I thought a 32gb memory card would be worth it.
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