That is not good news to find out so late in the process, did they offer you any explanation as to how this has happened...? Could it have been down to Open Reach..?
I was supposed to have this installed on the 17th, no engineer showed, after wasting the morning and 50~ mins on hold (their support queue status site is BS) I was told my order hadn't been placed properly and I'd be called back the next day.
No call, 40~ mins on hold initially, then a further 15~ while they check, and I'll get a call back on Monday.
No call, 40~ on hold, then 10~ more, blaming BT's system, I'll get a call the next day.
No call, 35~ on hold, 15~ further hold, they don't know what they can do but try to place another order, but can't because my MAC code is now used. I have to call the next day to cancel because there's no chance of getting an install before my notice period with Be ends and they cut me off.
50~ on hold, cancelled.
Call Be, got through and stopped my cancellation in about a minute. I don't know if I should go with BT or try Plusnet again later and pray I don't need to call anyone ever.
So Round II, installed but unhappy.
I verify their existence whilst he's gone and press him when he comes back, he storms out when I ask him to please stop what he's doing and won't give me a name or anything (I assure you I was polite the whole time).
Looks like im gonna have to move my master socket myself (no big deal).
ive ordered the extension kit as the master socket is in my downstairs toilet with no socket. Totally inappropriate to have router and modem in there anyway they wouldnt last long anyway in there with my aim lol.
Ill solder the original bt cable to my existing 2 pair extension cable and put the bt master faceplate on it and connect a existing extension into new position of master socket. Should take about 30mins.
im lazy tho and thought the bt engineer would do it but i shall do it to get my fibre up and running on installation date to avoid any hold ups.
Ive only been in my house for a few years so will just blame previous owner/sky engineer/ talktalk engineer lol.