Pokemon GO! (2016)

Is there any definitive information on what generates better spawns?

Sat in a pub with a few mates and there were 3 overlapping pokestops all lures and there must have been 30+ kids concreting on the grass around the area all playing. Perhaps not a huge amount when you look at central London but 30-40 players all in the same place playing away and the whole time (I was around for around 24 spawns) nothing appeared.

Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Drowzee, Evee all complete guff. What do you have to do to get a decent Pokemon? Pretty disheartening at times :p
No idea. I assume you need to have a pokemon in a gym for a solid 20 hours at a time for the coins to get earned. I've never had one stay in a gym long enough to collect though, so I could be wrong.

Just defeat the gym, throw a Pokemon in there and grab the coins. You need to go into shop and in the top right the shield will be marked with 1. Press this and you get your coins. Wait 21 hours and repeat.
There is plenty of rare stuff spawning, just have to be in the right place at the right time. :)

Also worth beating down other teams gyms for XP, even if your on gym cooldown. Can get 3-500 xp for a gym beatdown, more if you beat it with a lower CP pokemon.
I admit that I relented and bought £15 worth of coins. But I'm only spending them on incubators. I just wish we could get more than 1 infinite use one. Like 1 more infinite use added with every so many levels.
Level 14 and got a 700CP Seaking...highest wild catch to date. If I have figured out that reddit spreasheet correctly, it is only 71% the strongest it could be, so not worth powering. But I will look into it again over the weekend. Not upgrading anything at the moment, just aiming to get to level 15, get lucky egg, and evolve all the crud pokemons I have (20+).
It seems there are some region specific Pokemon.
Europe - mr mime
North America - Tauros
Australia - Kangaskhan
Asia - Farfetch'd

I'm in the US next month so might be able to catch a Tauros. Asia later this year so maybe get Farfetch'd. I've seen Mr Mime in a gym in London
Yeah I tested it with a quick google account, in no bother. It's the trainer accounts causing issues.

Thing is I'm level 14 on my trainer account!
2h in town parks today. Positioned myself between Multiple lured pokestops and due to dodgy gps, managed to swipe all of them repeatedly. Also way more pokemons than i could catch. Got a few rarer pokemon - horsea, cubone, meowth. Got 30+ pokemons ready to evolve. Hit level 15 and a lucky egg, so reckon will aim for 45ish pokemons to evolve and use the egg. Should hopefly get me to level 18. Keep reading that gyarados and blastoise are catchable at southampton waterfront so that's the plan tomorrow.
Tried out the gyms properly today with a few friends..

Did the hard work of attacking a few times to defeat the defenders, it went neutral, then somebody stole it from underneath us!

There is a link there to a google doc spreadsheet. You need to edit it whilst it is in google docs as it uses google scripts. It won't work if you download it.

I haven't got an account on Reddit but I'll ask the question here.

Let's say I have a Zubat with potentially 97% score. If I decide to evolve it to a golbat, would that score remain, or get reset to something else i.e. would the IV change during evolution?
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