Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Liberal Democrats will do very well in this (they will likely get a large majority of the remain vote).

Labour will likely do awfully. They don't seem to stand for anything anymore

indeed am tempted to vote LibDem myself - basically am in a strong labour area and LibDem is the second favourite - would be amusing to see Labour BTFO to the point where Liberal democrats become the second largest party... even more amusing if Corbyn carries on in his delusions and Labour politicians defect
Can someone knowledgeable tell me why she's doing this?

Surely it's purely a PR stunt / has an ulterior motive.

From SC:

A few things, mostly polling.

  • Labour is at its absolute nadir
  • Labour has a weak front team
  • Lib Dems are too dangerous to leave to recover
  • The country still marginally backs her Brexit means Brexit guff
  • The hard right bang on about not being able to do anything drastic
  • She needs a mandate
  • A stronger government is treated better by the markets
  • UKIP is ripe for the killing
  • She's afraid of a weak majority and what comes come proper Brexit
  • The responsibility must be handed back to the country to buttress the Tories from future criticism
  • Nobody save the Tories has got concentrated cash to throw at the campaign

Take your pick. The stars were aligning just too well to miss.
Ever-increasing likelihood of a backbench revolt seems the most likely cause. Labour have been weak for some time. There has been a lot of criticism of the government's Brexit strategy of late, with the question of "How do you know this is what people voted for?" being a constant thorn in the PM's side.
Liberal Democrats will run pretending that staying in the single market is a "soft" Brexit when really it's not a Brexit at all.
I hope every single person with an opinion here or elsewhere who has the right to vote will exercise their right and do so. Even if you feel none of the parties represent you, perhaps chose one that offers the best match or demonstrate your disgust at a lack of alignment to your beliefs by spoiling your ballot. A protest vote of nothing is more respectful than simply not being bothered, this is the time you have a voice, I'd not waste it personally.
I have always voted conservative but because of Brexit I will be voting Lib Dems.

Not to take anything away form your decision but could you explain? That because of the part Tories played achieving Brexit? Or because you hope the Lib Dems will stop Brexit? Or both.

I am bias as I am a Brexiteer, however, knowing that Brexit is 100% going ahead, wouldn't you want the strongest party negotiating the best possible terms? I can't see the Lib Dems having the power, nor respect to get a half decent deal from the EU.
Did nobody learn anything from 2010, vote Lib Dem, get conservative.

They'll just be puppets again, if you want conservatives just vote conservatives.
Not to take anything away form your decision but could you explain? That because of the part Tories played achieving Brexit? Or because you hope the Lib Dems will stop Brexit? Or both.

I am bias as I am a Brexiteer, however, knowing that Brexit is 100% going ahead, wouldn't you want the strongest party negotiating the best possible terms? I can't see the Lib Dems having the power, nor respect to get a half decent deal from the EU.

And the Tories, who fled the most powerful grouping of EU MPs, the EPP, are? What a nonsense!
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