Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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Very surprised how much support there is for the Lib Dems on here.

I think it is more a hope (maybe a bit of a desperate one) that they'll grab the moment, get their act together, and become an effective opposition given the chance than necessarily carte blanche support for the Libdems as such.
Hypothetically if labour or libdems win what would that mean for brexit?

if lib Dems then they'd potentially try to stop/reverse it

if labour, with Corbyn in charge, then they'd carry on but the negotiations would involve the UK getting well and truly ******
when the cons win, this should shut up the remainers for good, kf there is an increase in con votes in Scotland that kills of the Scottish referendum. this kills off all the two above and paves the way for a hard Brexit.
This would put the EU in a bad light if they become to aggressive towards the UK.

What makes you think the EU will give a **** about whether May gets in with 1 or 100 seat majority? This is a domestic election. The EU is in a strong position as the UK wants single market or something close to it. The UK can walk away and the country will go down and the EU knows it.
Very surprised how much support there is for the Lib Dems on here.
They'll get the lion's share of remain support and if they're clever, a share of the 'soft Brexit' crowd of they've become a bit disillusioned with the apparent Conservative 'Brexit at any cost' attitude.
Lol this country is such a joke atm. As if we're not busy enough with this whole Brexit thing we've now got this to add to the plate. I wonder how long it'll be before the populations goes "meh, whatever" and just doesn't bother. I reached this stage years ago.
I don't think it's really support for Lib Dem, more a case of opposition to brexit and/or opposition to May pushing through even more policies (e.g. like the Investigatory Powers) whilst everyone is occupied with Brexit

Exactly this for me - I was a previous Cons voter and whilst the Brexit issue is a big motivator to not vote for them on this occasion, I have particular grievance with their current behaviour of stripping away what we have in terms of services and rights.
Are you? I reckon a very large majority of remain voters will be voting Lib Dem come June and remember, the EU referendum was pretty close as it is...

Waste of time, there is no way they can stop Brexit and chance of them having any influence at all is minuscule, you can't even hope for a coalition cause Labour are in such a mess.

I don't like the conservatives but I would prefer they get a majority and we moved forward, that would be best for the country right now. Would also help get rid of Corbyn so Labour can rebuild.
FPTP doesn't care about sudden resurgence unless its absolute in the constituencies, about the only places the Libdems might do well is in Cornwall and London, but the Tories will likely take some seats off of Labour, so it will likely be about the same for May anyway.
As usual, a Brexiteer post that makes no sense whatsoever...

Think about it, it's not like the anti-EU brigade haven't been banging on about it for the last 40 years is it :rolleyes:
A vote now to get an increase in parliament would make her job easier, it also stops the scottish, a very clever move. I think its going to be a landslide win for the cons.
MP's repeatedly saying "the country is coming together, Westminster is divided" doesn't make it true. "The country is coming together" is a complete joke, half are still irate and the other half still think they won.
Also, will this not just strengthen the SNP's hand in getting a second independence referendum? The SNP will no doubt campaign with the independence vote very high up on their agenda and if they get overwhelming support by the people of Scotland again then surely May is going to be in a more difficult position to say no.
No one should complain about an election.

If you're for her vote for her, if you're not then vote against her.

It is a win/win for everyone of every political view....well unless it's clear the timing isn't good for your side but the time is rarely right for everyone.

Interesting few weeks ahead.

Can we get away from this "Voting for Theresa May" nonsense please? The only people voting for her, are people living in her constituency. Which includes me. So I DO have a choice on whether I vote for or her against her.

The rest of you get to vote for the party you want in power. Has bugger all to do with who is leader usually. Now can we steer away from the whole "unelected" ********? It was ******** when it was said about Brown when he became PM, it's ******** now.

Overall: Labour will lose hard, Corbyn will have to go. Lib Dems might do ok? I guess? At least they might win more seats rather than lose any. Overall, May is playing a game. After she accused the opposition of playing a game.
I don't think most of us like any of the parties but you have to decide which party will be the least damaging and run the country in the least horrendous way. Labour live in an alternate reality where they can do the right thing, pee money up the wall and everything will turn out ok. The conservatives inhabit the ground where a lot of people don't want to admit that they agree with them because apparently that makes you an unfeeling **** and ultimately most people don't like to be seen as one. The other parties are simply not in a position to get elected.

Conservatives will win the election because who thinks Corbyn would be a good PM.
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