Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

Who will you vote for?

  • Conservatives

  • Labour

  • Lib Dem

  • UKIP

  • Other (please state)

  • I won't be voting

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It's ballsy, she's assuming that UKIP are a spent force now and she can regain the Tory voters who defected, but if that doesn't work and the Lib Dems manage to make up the ground they lost in 2015 it could really hurt her (which is a real possibility as the younger "betrayed" LD voters who turned on the party in 2015 have now spent two years under their first majority Tory government and should now understand what their vote actually achieved for them in 2010).

The obvious drawback for the Tories is that this benefits Labour because after Corbyn gets decimated even his strongest supporters will have no choice but to accept that Labour cannot win an election by targeting only the far right and that they will need a more central candidate to actually have any hope of winning a majority in the 2022 General election, thus giving Corbyn's replacement a three year head start.
I guess if the young people who didnt vote and moaned actually vote this time, it could make things interesting.
I see nothing other than the Kippers voting Tory and the "Remain" supports splitting their votes between Labour and Lib Dem, resulting in a large Conservative majority.

Do hope I'm proven wrong though.
R.I.P Labour.

I must admit at first i was shocked by the choice to call a snap election, but after a few minutes of thinking about it she has made the correct choice. Destroy the labour party, get a majority in the house of commons and make sure that they are the holder of the keys to number 10 whilst we leave Europe instead of fighting an election whilst leaving. I can't see it happening but the flip side to that if all generation snow flake actually get up and use their legs and vote for the lib's in hope that it would reverse Brexit. The country will be shafted....
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just as a matter of interest...is there anything to stop the SNP from campaigning in english constituencies?? would people see Sturgeon as a better and stronger opposition leader than Corbyn??
I for one welcome our Corbyn overlord... lol. Labour will be destroyed, they are completely unelectable. Where is David Milliband? Get him back from NYC after this election as JC will be cooked.
I for one welcome our Corbyn overlord... lol. Labour will be destroyed, they are completely unelectable. Where is David Milliband? Get him back from NYC after this election as JC will be cooked.

I wholly agree with you i was a bit wtf when ed was leader. also i David doesn't wanna do it i reckon ed balls could be a good candidate
It will have been 12 months since Brexit and a new group of people who weren't eligible to vote, now can. This is the younger generations chance to get up of their arse's and actually give some input into the future of this country instead of just moaning about the direction it is going in.
This could be messy, don't forget the huge amount of people that voted for UKIP previously, those votes could go almost anywhere now.

Hopefully not for Labour.
This is a big gamble. ~48% of those that voted, voted to remain and may feel that they want to shaft May and her hard brexit strategy. Then you have all the people who didn't vote in the referendum, and it could be argued that if you didn't get out and vote for leave, you were happy with the status quo....

This could backfire spectacularly and end with a Labour / Lib Dem coalition.

Presumably she is banking on a lot of UKIP votes going Tory this time around
My predictions..are

1 - Conservatives will win by a larger majority
2 - It will be lowest turnout for an election since the 1950`s
3 - Corbyn will be forced to leave
4 - Dianne Abbot will blame everything apart from herself
5 - Lib Dems will get a seat or 2 back

The green party will get significantly more votes than any of the above and still fail to get any seats due to our " protect the posh ****" voting systems we have.
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