Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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5 Dec 2010
deep space nine
Problem is reversing that if/when the public inevitably put back a Tory government... we've seen what happens when you need to cut a deficit after labour steadily builds one then a financial crisis hits, we've already got rather a large amount of debt as it is... yet if they pile on more and the cost of servicing that debt increases (not to mention parts of the economy get trashed by people and firms moving abroad or chunks of the finance industry being killed off by a financial transaction tax) then the potential cuts are going to be even worse to correct it

some light reading for you and all the others who claim that Labour don't pay off their debts :

5 Dec 2006
I find it astonishing that despite everything May has done to try to stop people voting for her, people are still voting for her!

I don't think there are any more hints she can give lmao, next step for her is to literally take to the podium and say "Don't vote for me".
29 Jan 2008
some light reading for you and all the others who claim that Labour don't pay off their debts :


why not deal with what I've actually posted?

Why not take a look at the deficit they ran up immediately before the financial crisis... I don't really care what happened in 1955 or following parties as though they're football teams (oh look what the blue team did 70 years ago etc..) I'm interested in what they're doing/proposing now and what they did recently.
23 Dec 2012
I find it astonishing that despite everything May has done to try to stop people voting for her, people are still voting for her!

I don't think there are any more hints she can give lmao, next step for her is to literally take to the podium and say "Don't vote for me".

Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbott are so bad that Theresa May looks like a shining political beacon of hope next to them. Corbyn reeks of a bygone era and Abbott is just a horrible hypocrite who seems to harbour some weird grudge against this country.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I find it astonishing that despite everything May has done to try to stop people voting for her, people are still voting for her!

I don't think there are any more hints she can give lmao, next step for her is to literally take to the podium and say "Don't vote for me".

There is no hoping the electorate - you only have to look at how many have managed to see through May but don't apply the same to Labour who are suddenly the saviours despite being no better when you pull back the curtain. People are so distracted by the perception that voting Labour is the only way to stop May they don't seem to be really looking at what they are jumping into bed with - they might as well have just carried on voting for the Tories.
23 Dec 2012
and yet May is taking us back to a bygone era....

May isn't a brilliant politician, but she'd at least have a firm hand on the tiller as we sail through choppy waters. Corbyn and Abbott would sell this country down the river, they can't even do what is best for their own political party, never mind the country. If their own MPs can't even support them then why would I? Comrade Corbyn and love-ins with the IRA and Hamas and Abbott on Channel 4 being quoted as saying 'every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us' makes me wonder how anyone can vote for them. They'll of course lie and say they don't hold these views anymore, but that is only to get what they want.
17 Apr 2009
why not deal with what I've actually posted?

Why not take a look at the deficit they ran up immediately before the financial crisis... I don't really care what happened in 1955 or following parties as though they're football teams (oh look what the blue team did 70 years ago etc..) I'm interested in what they're doing/proposing now and what they did recently.

To me, the big unanswered question with Labour is what do they do if they can't raise as much extra revenue as they hope? I don't have a major problem with their plans, assuming they work. But what's the "Plan B"? Higher taxes? More borrowing? Or a focus on certain policy areas over others?

I'd be fine with the last of the three. What I'd like to hear is a commitment from Labour, that deficit reduction remains the priority.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002

I really believe that there's sufficient resentment towards the Tories regarding Brexit, that strange bedfellows may emerge.

This does seem a strange view to me, even if it's true. Both Labour and the Consrevatives were largely in favour of Remain. The public voted to leave and the party in power invoked Article 50 as the electorate had advised them to do. Now people are blaming that one party for Brexit. As I said in an earlier post, if Labour get into power and continue with Brexit then are they suddenly to blame for Brexit instead of the Tories?

I think the reasons for Cameron agreeing to a referendum were because he never thought people would vote to leave. He was naive and foolish. But regardless of that at least the public were offered a choice and the current and future government will be carrying out their instructions.
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