The data on it at the moment is all over the place and quite vague but some potential issues with people using it to force people to sell their land was highlighted in another thread also the fact that the levels mooted seem to be just initial levels for a much higher amount pushed through later once the system has been accepted and in place.
Corbyn seems intent in the long run in dragging everyone that has done half ok for themselves down in some hybrid form of something socialism like and by extension dragging society down as a whole as propping up those going nowhere in less fortunate position while dragging down those who are going somewhere who've been fortunate doesn't accomplish anything.
I don't know what the actual numbers are going to be yet but the ones being discussed can work out pretty hideous - for instance where I live people in terraced housing on one side of the road pay about 15% less in council tax than those in the detached and semi-detached on the other side of the road (which is pretty fair) - after these changes most of those on the terraced side will pay half what they do now in council tax while those on the other side will be paying between 2.5x and 4x what they do now.
Land Value tax is used in the USA, along with taxing the value of your car and other property. Is the USA some kind of socialist country? Hardly, taxing property is perfectly rational, taxing land is even more logical because it is a fixed and finite resource. Taxing land doesn't negatively affect the economy unlike taxing income or taxing purchases, it does the opposite in making land used in more optimal ways. It is also inherently extremely fair. If you can afford to buy huge parcels of high valuable land then you can also afford to pay taxes on that land. If you can only afford a small house out in cheaper building areas then you will pay much less taxes. Exactly like in the USA, buy a nice 50K corvette and you pay 2% taxes on that every year on top of any other fees for usign a cra on public highways. Buy a speed boat, or a secodn holdiay home you don;t live in, well you are still going to have to pay taxes on the property.
Council tax is antiquated, illogical and unfair.