Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Good summary. I would probably say the audience thing is in part the difference between policies which promise the moon billed to someone else vs doing what you believe to be right even if it is not popular.

What part of the Conservative campaign so far has been about being honest with people about tough choices rather than pointing at Corbyn and saying "he's worse than us"? All the talking points to their MPs this evening were about negative campaigning, and May is framing per-pupil school funding cuts as an overall increase. Nowhere am I getting the impression she's prepared to tell the electorate that she's doing the unpopular, but correct, thing.
Losing access to 27 trade deals across the EU (plus other non eu countries) is much worse than the EU 27 loosing access to one ... no matter how big our economy currently is.
It wouldnt be a mutual destruction....the EU would survive much easier

Not in financial services, there simply isn't the capacity on the continent to replace London in under 2 years as a means of bringing money into the eu from the rest of the world.
How? It's been made crystal clear that an independent Scotland would not be in the eu either...

True but its more likely that we would be in the Single Market (European Free Trade Association) as while we wouldn't get straight back into the EU it seems like EFTA would be straightforward, I'd rather than than a no-holds barred Hard Brexit personally and would probably prefer EFTA to the full-blown EU as well actually.
I read something earlier that said corbyn will look at staying in the eu if Labour get the majority, still part of his campaign or was it old?
What part of the Conservative campaign so far has been about being honest with people about tough choices rather than pointing at Corbyn and saying "he's worse than us"? All the talking points to their MPs this evening were about negative campaigning, and May is framing per-pupil school funding cuts as an overall increase. Nowhere am I getting the impression she's prepared to tell the electorate that she's doing the unpopular, but correct, thing.

The social care changes are a big example. There is a need to improve funding in social care. There is an imbalance in wealth between generations, so pushing some of those costs onto that wealth is an unpopular, but necessary thing.
The social care changes are a big example. There is a need to improve funding in social care. There is an imbalance in wealth between generations, so pushing some of those costs onto that wealth is an unpopular, but necessary thing.

I think if they were committed to the idea of doing the right thing for the country long-term but likely unpopular now then they'd have stuck with the original conviction of there not being a cap but instead just being a lower limit. Changing your mind in the face of public backlash (see also self employed NI contributions) doesn't really project the image of someone who will make tough, correct, but unpopular decisions. It just says politics as usual.
Clegg was better than Faron, Cameron was better than May, Farage was better than Nuttal but I think Corbyn is better than Ed Milliband.

I think that's fair.

Corbyn is the best leader Labour has had since Blair. That's not saying much, I know. It's just a shame that his past keeps getting in the way of policy debate (tonight being just another example). I'd like to see the manifesto challenged more, as it's more than a little excessive in places.
Someone who will roll over to the EU would be! The EU won't ever offer a good deal to someone that won't walk away. We are guaranteed a bad deal with Labour in charge.

What makes you think they will offer a good deal to may.
We all must know by now... any 'deal' put to us will be worse

And at this point in time... a deal cant even be talked about until May gets pushed over on the LEAVING terms first.... she hasnt got a leg to stand on
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