Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Well I was about to defend the guy. Some people have a few odd bits of nice clothes but then suddenly come up oj hard times.

But he fully looks like part of the 5% club. Posh schools.... Posh college... Head boy (didn't even think that was a real thing)...nice holiday gap years. Fully believe he was placed there to make poor people believe zero hour contracts benefit them.

I'm so angry that everything seems to be lie after lie. You cant trust anything these days.

Frankly, why should we suffer millions dead when we can strike first. A retaliatory strike is somewhat pointless as half you country is dead by that point. Rather them than me thanks

by using diplomacy to make sure we never get to that stage, like I said, if we do, were already up a creek without a paddle anyway. So who strikes first doesn't matter. Besides the only country to actually use a nuclear weapon to date is the United States and that was 72 years ago, so why the need to justify their use now?
That's exactly what is wrong with this whole rich/poor divide at the moment, those at the top, in that 5% have absolutely no idea what it is like to be in the bottom 95% let alone the worst off in the country. I bet that kid probably gets more pocket money a week than I earn in a month. I earn whats considered above average for the South West.
That's exactly what is wrong with this whole rich/poor divide at the moment, those at the top, in that 5% have absolutely no idea what it is like to be in the bottom 95% let alone the worst off in the country. I bet that kid probably gets more pocket money a week than I earn in a month. I earn whats considered above average for the South West.

There is always a balance to it though - artificially raising those at the bottom who are going nowhere while hobbling those who are making money work in society while it might sound appealing to those without would have a net bad effect and in the long run drag everybody down.
There is a balance to it I agree, currently though that isn't the case, the divide is getting wider and wider, economic success for the country should be increasing wealth for all, not just those at the top as it is currently.

This. The gap is widening every year. Austerity hurt the less well off while the top 5% saw their income increase more than every before. I am all for aspiring, and I'm almost in the top 5% myself but it doesn't seem right. It's almost like it's common at the cost of everybody else.

I have said before, I'm happpy to pay another few percent in tax. I didn't need all the previous tax rate drops.
The messenger might be a bit of a tiff but the message about zero hours contracts stands. It's the whole blanket legislation that's rubbish. Life is more complicated for a single rule to cover everyone
Spread from 1 to 12 point lead for the Tories in the polls released today. I have no idea what will happen on Thursday.
And that is why I am leaning greatly towards Labour despite having never voted for them before, a few % increase in tax for those on £150k+, would have zero impact on their life style. They would still get to have their multiple holidays a year and eat out multiple times a week and plough plenty of money into savings/pensions. Those on "average" incomes would be hit very badly by any tax rises, in some cases its the difference between having steak for dinner or beans on toast.
There is always a balance to it though - artificially raising those at the bottom who are going nowhere while hobbling those who are making money work in society while it might sound appealing to those without would have a net bad effect and in the long run drag everybody down.
You're increasingly sounding like a Tory, yet you've said you'd not vote for them.

Hard to get a handle on where you are, tbh. You don't like the Torys; you don't like Labour; you keep saying that if we want change we shouldn't vote for either... But you know, 100%, that any vote for the LibDems/Greens is a vote that helps the Torys get in.

Not sure what you think the best course of action is, but you must know we live in a two-party country ;)
This. The gap is widening every year. Austerity hurt the less well off while the top 5% saw their income increase more than every before. I am all for aspiring, and I'm almost in the top 5% myself but it doesn't seem right. It's almost like it's common at the cost of everybody else.

I have said before, I'm happpy to pay another few percent in tax. I didn't need all the previous tax rate drops.
It's also been said that the ever-widening gap is actually bad for our economy as a whole. These people aren't using all their cash to "create jobs" or "trickle down" their money to the less well off, as is the Tory promise. The more they have, the more is locked up in a bank vault somewhere doing absolutely nothing. Or worse, they're using their wealth/assets smartly to increase their wealth/share.

The prospect of heading right back to Victorian era levels of divided society aren't all that unrealistic. The lowest paid are already effectively slaves.

The idea that raising universal living standards is a bad thing is something I didn't expect to hear from Rroff, tbh.
You're increasingly sounding like a Tory, yet you've said you'd not vote for them.

Hard to get a handle on where you are, tbh. You don't like the Torys; you don't like Labour; you keep saying that if we want change we shouldn't vote for either... But you know, 100%, that any vote for the LibDems/Greens is a vote that helps the Torys get in.

Not sure what you think the best course of action is, but you must know we live in a two-party country ;)

We only live in a two party country while people continue to reinforce that by believing it is the only option as though it has taken on some life of its own.

I want the electorate to see through the sham that has become those two parties and even if it would mean a somewhat painful interstitial period vote for just about anything else instead of rewarding those parties for taking them for mugs yet again. Idealistic as that is.

The idea that raising universal living standards is a bad thing is something I didn't expect to hear from Rroff, tbh.

That is because I'm not saying that - it was a somewhat veiled dig at what Corbyn really wants (look beyond the face value manifesto) which is to basically punish people for the crime of being fortunate and drag everyone down into the mire. It is something that needs a good balance between helping those that are less fortunate while being careful not to hit those who are stimulating or underpinning the economy too far which would risk squeezing things for everyone.
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We only live in a two party country while people continue to reinforce that by believing it is the only option as though it has taken on some life of its own.

I want the electorate to see through the sham that has become those two parties and even if it would mean a somewhat painful interstitial period vote for just about anything else instead of rewarding those parties for taking them for mugs yet again. Idealistic as that is.
You have to work with what you've got.

We've got FPTP for an electoral system.

You have to understand human nature. You have to realise that many people are just going to vote how they've always voted, and that's Labour or the Tories. With almost zero thought as to why. For the rest of us, a vote for LibDem/Green/Pirate/whatever is a completely wasted vote.

Before *anything* can change we need electoral reform. AV/STV and we'll talk. Whilst we persist with FPTP you have to vote to keep the party you like the least out.

It is what it is.
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