If Corbyn wins IMO I fear it will be a disaster.
My blood is blue but after weighing everythingup it's the lib dems for me for quite a few reasons, one being I don't agree with Brexit, another being it's a chance to shake things up a bit which is what many Brexit people were proud of last year. Also their manifesto is pretty decent.
Labour is a big "no" from me, I cannot vote in a party who were/are dysfunctional including calling for Corbyn to step down recently. Their manifesto sucks too, extra bank holidays, free school lunches, 28% corporation tax when corporation tax is paid by small companies too and it needs to be staggered to make the larger wealthier orgs pay more. When I looked at the lib dems manifesto it a few things instantly caught my attention - raising the standard of education or example, much better than free lunches, and something we do need to improve as compared to some countries its sub-standard. Lib dems also want to give us a chance to vote on whatever deal BRexit means - rather than give us a hard brexit regardless. We're gambling with the future of our country.
Labour always puts our country in a bigger debt hole and we need to move away from debt, as a country and as indivuals.
As for the NHS it needs an overhaul not more and more money thrown at it to drain out just as quickly.
Despite my vote Id rather the conservatives lead us through Brexit than Labour. They're not ready to lead our country, maybe in another 4 years they'll be better placed to but I won't vote for them then either but would be happier to see them lead later rather than now.
Free school lunches, slapping corp tax to 28%, extra bank holidays all to appeal to a certain type of people, the typical labour voter I suppose but each one has a flaw. Sure, there's more to labour that these things but nothing that I've seen has got be excited for labour.