What makes me think Corbyn would do a better job? He's the first senior politician to talk frankly about addressing some root causes of radicalism, i.e. our foreign policy in the Middle East.
We've pretended it's not a problem for decades...and here we are. What exactly is Theresa May proposing to do differently to make us safe?
And to cut off the usual claptrap: No, it is not *all* the fault of our foreign policy. No, it is not condoning terrorism.
see now you're answering the different question - I don't believe May ordered any foreign intervention anyway...
this was the bit of your post I highlighted:
"Theresa May's security services just let them carry on and attack people anyway."
nothing to do with foreign policy which you just diverted to in that answer... can we try for a third attempt at answering? How have the security services just 'let them carry on' and what do you think Corbyn would change in that regards... especially given the previously linked to statements re: ISIS supporters returning?