Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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You can get education for free, premium education for rich people should have VAT.

it's worth repeating that private education, although anti meritocratic SAVES the public money as people do not get a rebate if they send their kids to private school. Slap 20% Vat on these schools and you may just find the state loses more money than it gains through an influx of extra children requiring education in the public system and a reduction in net tax take because less children end up going private..

much like high personal tax brackets the politics if envy often don't produce the effects people envisage......
You can get education for free, premium education for rich people should have VAT.

Education isn't free, its paid for out of general taxation. Sending your kids to private school means that you're paying for a state school place which you aren't using, so this benefits the state school system. My point is that adding VAT makes private schooling unaffordable to a lot of parents, these children will then need to be educated by the state, thus costing the state more money.
Nice little link to see what party lines with your views:


Im 63% conservative, so will be voting for them as usual, although there are a lot of things I'm not happy about and don't particularly like May......the thought of a socialist Labour party with Corbyn at the helm in charge of the country genuinely scares me.
66% Conservative
66% UKIP
52% Labour
50% Lib Dem
35% Green

This is the closest of all the ones i've done so far. Usually UKIP & Conservative way ahead by a lot more
LD but they unfortunately have no hope. Lets be honest TM is going to get in :(, just probably not with as many seats as she thought.


the top right corner should scare everyone.
So the Conservatives are actually to the right of UKIP now! :eek:
From listening to his BBC interview from Glasgow this morning, any criticism of Abbott is because she's a black woman, not because of anything she says because she's an experienced politician. His Twitter followers will go further and call you a balls-out racist, but then, that is the level of the debate at the moment.

My critiscism of her is that she just seems in a daze all the time. Could well be because of the current news she is ill. If that is to be believed. She just seems unprepared or not quite smart enough for the job. Turning up to a TV show without adequate information is like going to war without a gun. It shows poor planning and it comes across a lot when you listen to her.
I couldn't care less if you were a transvestite, gay, black, immigrant, if you sound like you convincingly know what it is your planning to do with a authoritive tone then I would feel some confidence in you.
Nope and tahts exactly what I was on about, she was trying to over turn democracy and go all dictatorship on us, unsurprisingly she lost.

You're going to have to expand on that for me please

People voted (wrongly imo) to leave the EU
A way was found to try and stop it
It got to the supreme court
The government defended their right to trigger article 50 on their own which they thought they could based on the vote
They lost
They put a bill through parliament to trigger article 50
It passed

How does this create a dictatorship?

That is what he was talking about. May went to court to try and win the fact she could make executive orders like Trump and lost. That was not defending democracy but the opposite despite what the DM headlines have you believe.

I don't read the mail
Dont know if you have noticed guys but we dont live in a dictatorship, anything he wants to do has to go through the PLP and Parliament. So all the scare stories you read in the Mail are just that, stories.

but May will just be able to do anything she likes??? that's the suggestion some people seem to be making! It's either true for both or neither
You can get education for free, premium education for rich people should have VAT.

Why? Education is no less a basic essential of society if you're well off than if you're poor. Also, raising the costs of private education (which you think is superior to state education) just puts it even further out of the reach of the less well-off and even more the preserve of the very rich. Like food, education is intended to be something that the government should not demand payment for providing to others. And besides, if the government is allowed to offer education for free how is it fair that they charge others to even compete with them.

Education is one of the most fundamental needs we as a society have. You should not be arguing to add further barriers to that. This country needs more well educated people, not fewer.
I have to wonder

How many rights and bad laws (like fox hunting) would May have to take away (and implement) for their voters to reject the party.

When would enough be enough?
Can I ask why? What does that achieve?
There is no candidate in my local constituent that represents my wants or values in any part that I can with good conscious vote for. I have cast my vote in all GE since my mid-twenties and this would be the first time I have considered spoiling my ballot. It is not something I'm taking lightly; I may even crumble when I'm in the booth.
You're going to have to expand on that for me please

People voted (wrongly imo) to leave the EU
A way was found to try and stop it
It got to the supreme court
The government defended their right to trigger article 50 on their own which they thought they could based on the vote
They lost
They put a bill through parliament to trigger article 50
It passed

How does this create a dictatorship?
because that's not how our democracy works, parliament has to vote and TM was trying to get round that and do it herself, what else would she liek to ignore parliament and do her self, so yes it very much was a grab for dictatorship like control. But seems you got suckered in by daily mail and other newspapers probably why you aren't so angry at them for hat tehy did and got away with.
I have to wonder

How many rights and bad laws (like fox hunting) would May have to take away (and implement) for their voters to reject the party.

When would enough be enough?
Only when they have to use one of the public services that have been gutted I assume. Otherwise they seem to have an 'I'm alright Jack' and '**** you as long as I'm making money' attitude.
I have to wonder

How many rights and bad laws (like fox hunting) would May have to take away (and implement) for their voters to reject the party.

When would enough be enough?

Enough will be enough when the poor houses are re-opened and people are queuing up for their bread rations. Oh that's already happening, but the Tories seem to think food banks are a good thing......................
but May will just be able to do anything she likes??? that's the suggestion some people seem to be making! It's either true for both or neither

No, she will also have to follow the same processes. The difference is that the tories really wont have any objection to it, whereas the PLP will be a much more moderating influence.

Basically the Labour manifesto is generally pretty moderate, when viewed in a historical context. Its only the last 20 years of the UK which make it seem socialist, when its really not.
Only when they have to use one of the public services that have been gutted I assume. Otherwise they seem to have an 'I'm alright Jack' and '**** you as long as I'm making money' attitude.

To be fair it's not just cons voters who think like that, most of us are only concerned with our own income and being alright healthwise.
because that's not how our democracy works, parliament has to vote and TM was trying to get round that and do it herself, what else would she liek to ignore parliament and do her self, so yes it very much was a grab for dictatorship like control. But seems you got suckered in by daily mail and other newspapers probably why you aren't so angry at them for hat tehy did and got away with.

But parliament passed it anyway so what was the point?
Education isn't free, its paid for out of general taxation. Sending your kids to private school means that you're paying for a state school place which you aren't using, so this benefits the state school system.

Well, that's not technically true, because schools get funding per student that attends. If your child doesn't attend a state school, they lose out on that funding and it goes elsewhere within the tax system, so you're not actually paying for a place you're not using.
You're going to have to expand on that for me please

People voted (wrongly imo) to leave the EU
A way was found to try and stop it
It got to the supreme court
The government defended their right to trigger article 50 on their own which they thought they could based on the vote
They lost
They put a bill through parliament to trigger article 50
It passed

How does this create a dictatorship?

People voted to leave the EU
May said it didnt need Parliament to vote on it even though the referendum wasnt legally binding and advisory only.
Said under some old laws she could decide herself what was best for the country
Court case started which was that due parliamentary process needed to be followed and Parliament must vote or it sets a precedent for the PM to pass laws without Parliament.
The Government tried to defend this at great tax payers expense and lost.
Democracy won and Parliament voted to trigger Article 50 (which they were always going to do and they could have had the vote months earlier and saved months of uncertainty)

Or as somebody else said, she tried to do a Palpatine and lost.
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