In summary:
TM seemed to be the best of a bad bunch, when she took over from DC
Her speech on becoming PM was quite inspiring I thought, and was fairly positive at that point
Her start to brexit was worrying, more set on insults, threats and bridge burning rather than redefining our relationship with the EU
Also stupidness like fighting the court case about triggering article 50 when everyone was already going to push it through anyway
Launching the election was always just a grab at more seats, as the polls were favouring that result
They clearly have had a terrible campagin, full of blunders, uturns and rubbish policies
Not turning up at the debate was a huge mistake, I think, and the dementia tax completely against tory voters values
After the attacks other things like the police cuts she was a part of, and accusing them of crying wolf in 2015 etc are all very damming
the power grab for more internet restrictions and scrapping human rights laws are all very worrying
The suppression of the Saudi Terrorism funding report is a disgrace, and undermines the very thing we are trying to stop happening
Also her cosying up to Trump I found repugnant, and then not condeming his actions at times (paris accord etc) and especially attacking the mayor of an attacked city on twitter - pathetic indeed
As for JC, before the election I though he had no chance, apart from a very loyal and loud minority group supporting him
As the campaign has gone on though he has talked a lot of sense about properly funding essential services like police, nhs and education
This has clearly boosted him while at the same time TM has been making a mess of her own campaign
He isnt strong enough on defence policies for me (usually) and there is plenty I dont agree with that he says - but he does seem to be 1)more honest / trustworthy and 2)able to carry on under a great deal of pressure
I have never voted for Labour before, (usualy LD) I am tactially voting labour as my area LD bloke doesnt have much chance and things are reasonably close to need me to be vote for someone who at least wants to properly fund core services.
I dont really expect JC to win, if TM loses a single seat - I will count it as a victory over her loss of such a winning margin, as well as againtst her new unplesent authoritarian policies
Certainly denying her a large majority will please me enough for now