Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Look at most of the people complaining and they are the people who have done nothing to help themselves.
lots of the people complaining about May used to be tory voters until this year and i don't think anyone is saying it'll be rosie under labour just that it's a dman site more appealing that TM at the helm on a power grab frenzy.
I weirdly respect Corbyn now compared to when he first became Labour leader. A lesser person would have buckled under the pressure, and given way to another leadership contest. Also the vice versa of this is true. My respect of May and the conservative party in general has plummeted.

Does anyone else feel their opinion on Corbyn, May et al has changed massively over the campaign?

My opinion of May has gone down quite a bit, but looking at the alternative, there is no other option. It seems like people are buying into the Trump effect, promising high spending and low taxes (for 95% of the electorate) but without the racism/sexism (unless you're Jewish, or a man).
I weirdly respect Corbyn now compared to when he first became Labour leader. A lesser person would have buckled under the pressure, and given way to another leadership contest. Also the vice versa of this is true. My respect of May and the conservative party in general has plummeted.

Does anyone else feel their opinion on Corbyn, May et al has changed massively over the campaign?
Yeah on Corbyn - comical before, dangerous now. What's changing your shadow Home Secretary a day before the election if not buckling under pressure?
Tory voters, mostly.

Nope, I think you will find that most people who have complained the most under the tories are those who were getting handouts and relied on the state for a large part of their earnings.

Firstly, the last Labour government under Blair/Brown will be nothing like a Labour government under Corbyn

Secondly I'm voting labour and run a small business, So that flies in the face of your anecdotal story.

There will be millionaires voting for the green party and the poorest people voting for the tories, that doesn't make my generalisation wrong.

I don't earn huge amounts of money but I will vote tories because I think labours ideas are nice in theory but will fail when you apply them to the country we actually live in. I don't believe their policies are going to make much difference and I think that ultimately they will simply make a mess of the economy.

1) Why should Private school fees be VAT exempt?

2) Anyone got figures relating to how much Private schools near them make in profit, per year?

I guess one reason to make them VAT exempt is that education is essential. It's the same with kids clothes which are VAT exempt. It also encourages people to take children out of the state education system, thereby saving us all a lot of money. If VAT were added then some people would have to put their children back into state education. This would considerably increase the burden on local councils and therefore taxpayers and probably be a net drain on councils even after the slightly increased tax revenue is taken into account.

1) Why should Private school fees be VAT exempt?

2) Anyone got figures relating to how much Private schools near them make in profit, per year?

Found the 2014 figures.

Eton made only £3m profit although 20% of its staff are paid over £60k per annum.

Harrow made £27m profit

Wellington College made £4.3m

Charterhouse £2m

I guess smaller less well known private schools don't make as much though.
I weirdly respect Corbyn now compared to when he first became Labour leader. A lesser person would have buckled under the pressure, and given way to another leadership contest. Also the vice versa of this is true. My respect of May and the conservative party in general has plummeted.

Does anyone else feel their opinion on Corbyn, May et al has changed massively over the campaign?

Yes. I was serverly annoyed at him for his lackluster campaign to remain and then even more so that he lied down and let Theresa may do whatever he wanted when delivering article 50.

As the campaign went on though I've realised I would be happy leaving the EU under a labour party.... Mostly because of corbyns morals. I feel with may it she would throw the poorest and most vulnerable in our society in the water and give them a sink or swim scenario.

I feel that at least with corbyn he genuinely cares for the public and wants business to pay their FAIR share.

Ive seen more of his campaign speeches which are strong and feel he wants to tackle a lot of issues at the root instead of may which wants to tackle things when things go wrong.

Overall... I went from not liking the guy at all to personally believing that if he got elected he would be the best pm we ever had.
Yeah on Corbyn - comical before, dangerous now. What's changing your shadow Home Secretary a day before the election if not buckling under pressure?

A sensible political move which he should have done 6 weeks ago?

I guess one reason to make them VAT exempt is that education is essential. It's the same with kids clothes which are VAT exempt. It also encourages people to take children out of the state education system, thereby saving us all a lot of money. If VAT were added then some people would have to put their children back into state education. This would considerably increase the burden on local councils and therefore taxpayers and probably be a net drain on councils even after the slightly increased tax revenue is taken into account.

Or private schools could reduce some of the profits they make and reduce their fees perhaps?
lots of the people complaining about May used to be tory voters until this year and i don't think anyone is saying it'll be rosie under labour just that it's a dman site more appealing that TM at the helm on a power grab frenzy.

A lot of people do seem to think that labour will enact all of their policies and everything will be better. Schools, NHS etc will magically be absolved of all the core issues that money can't solve.
It always annoys me when an arbitrary figure is given for rich people and then they are told they should pay "a bit more". Many of them are already paying much more then the poorer people in society. The use of "a bit more" should instead be "even more" to make it an honest statement.
Why would they do that?

Well its just been said some people wont be able to afford the fees with VAT so will pull their kids out. Supply and demand. If a private school fee is so high they cant get enough kids each year they have no choice but to reduce their fees surely?

Whats better? 100 children paying £30k per annum or 70 children paying £36k Gross per annum when you are charging VAT?
It's not "low taxes", it's the same taxes as we have at the moment, and anyone earning 80K will pay a bit more.
Anyone earning over £80k will potentially pay a LOT more. The average earner at my current company will be paying an extra £6k a year or so in income tax. That's huge.

It feels like the higher earners are being punished.
A lot of people do seem to think that labour will enact all of their policies and everything will be better. Schools, NHS etc will magically be absolved of all the core issues that money can't solve.

I wouldn't be so sure, we don't know quite how powerful Labour's magical money tree really is...
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