C) The USA control our nukes anyway don't they?
Yes I think Donald Trump infact controls our nuclear weapons and accidently released the nuclear codes for them on Twitter. Welcome to 2017 kids, the year of fake news
C) The USA control our nukes anyway don't they?
Like has already been said, if you're going to have a death tax shouldn't it be a % of your estate, rather than having fixed costs to all?
The figure of 15% was used earlier, which sounds reasonable.
The trouble is, the way the Tories are seeking to implement this, it could be a >50% tax on people with a £230k house (ie average). And there is talk of care providers seeing this as an opportunity to increase care costs, too.
Lastly, it's sad that social care is just another profit-making industry now :/ In your final days you will be "looked after" as cheaply as possible, for the greatest possible financial reward for shareholders.
There are so many things wrong with this country. Basic necessities such as housing are a profit-making vehicle for the well-off. Social care is a profit-making exercise for private firms. How long before the NHS follows suit in its entirety.
Not only do Labour need to scrap the Tory plans, but they need to reverse this country's ultra-capitalist direction. We should not all have $$$ floating above our heads and be of no other value in the eyes of the government.
I'm not sure how the Scandinavian countries, and other European countries, manage to be socially responsible and pay for it all. Yet we in this country seem to be constantly telling the electorate that there "is no money for social care", is no money for this, that, the other.
And yet we're the 6th biggest economy in the world? What that tells me is that we're failing to curb the excesses of wealth and greed, and that our society is run only for the benefit of the few.
I guess that turned into a rant. Sorry.
I've already voted. Ended up voting Labour as my seat is currently a Labour seat that I didn't want to fall to the Conservatives. Wish we had a system where I could actually vote for the Lib Dems with no negative consequences though.
No need to apologise, it is the next best thing IMO, but it needs to be directed away from general taxation and ever bigger government.
As a 65 year old, this is probably quite important for me to consider. I would quite like to think of my future care as being something not bargain basement. I do not believe that 20 -30 somethings should pay for this care when they obviously have families and homes and busy lives to consider.
Do you think that's how the EU will be treating negotiations? People are honestly delusional, Corbyn is a wet paper bag and the entire country will get screwed over with him in charge. Cameron wasn't as weak as him and look at the "deal" he came away with before the referendum.
The UK nuclear deterrent is fully privatised, isn't it, and is maintained/run by a consorteum of mostly US-owned companies.In a world of alternative facts why does it matter if we perpetuate myths?
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...lomatic-back-channels-with-isis-a6817181.htmlFind me that specific soundbite and I won't call you a liar.
In a world of alternative facts why does it matter if we perpetuate myths?
Yes I think Donald Trump infact controls our nuclear weapons and accidently released the nuclear codes for them on Twitter. Welcome to 2017 kids, the year of fake news
Wouldn't a simple solution to call it a social care tax at the point of death and fund all social care (and nothing else) out of that fund?
Then it's separated from general taxation.
Taking questions during a campaign visit in Bath, Mrs May said Mr Corbyn "seems to be paying far more attention to how many appearances on telly he's doing, and he ought to be paying a little more attention to thinking about Brexit negotiations".
Do you think that's how the EU will be treating negotiations? People are honestly delusional, Corbyn is a wet paper bag and the entire country will get screwed over with him in charge. Cameron wasn't as weak as him and look at the "deal" he came away with before the referendum.
Nope, I would have questioned her motivation for doing that just the same.Of course you wouldn't have said similar if May had suddenly agreed to appear? Would that have been a Strong and Stable decision?
Have you not noticed? "Getting round the negotiating table" is Corbyn's soundbite to almost every problem; Brexit - get round the negotiating table with European leaders, Islamic State - get round the negotiating table with them, Israel/Palestine - get them both round the negotiating table.
I googled 'corbyn negotiate with ISIS'. First hit.
Southampton Test - same as me
Our lib dem for test is a 2nd year uni student with a pony tail
I wont be voting for them this time
Not sure that's such a bad thing where possible.
it's only now that Labour have got Blairs spin doctors back in people are lapping up the sound bites and think he's my mate who only wants the best for me.
C) The USA control our nukes anyway don't they?