Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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They don't, everyone has the same problems we do with the exception in Scandinavia of Norway, as they're very rich in natural resources

Wrong. We had a huge amount of natural resources the difference is (and this isn't a criticism of either party just a criticism of general British idiocy) when the Scandanavians saved, invested and diversified to secure a long term economic future Britain pee'd it up the wall in tax cuts, benefit increases and general idiotic spending to the long term detriment of the country. It's a crime in retrospect.
The USA controls their nukes including those they store in and have arrangements to lend to other NATO countries including us and even Turkey!

Though in addition to those US nukes we also have our own independent nuclear deterrent in the form of Trident. The US does not control 'our' nukes.

Thanks. I have found that info now. I am relived though as Roar87 says Trump has the launch codes which would be very worrying.
Campbell? He hates Corbyn

Where are you getting this?
Oh comon, do you really not see the Labour spin doctors fingerprints of old all over this sudden cult of Corbyn popularity ... Either he's suddenly changed everything he stood for to gain votes and will revert to type if he wins or the spin doctors have taken a politician so unpopular even his own MPs detest him, given him a script and made him into the Wizard of Oz...
He's always been popular with the labour members, hence winning in a leadership election twice by a considerable margin.

Now that people are getting to see a lot more of him on TV, rather than through the filter of the right-wing press (80% of newspapers) they are making their own minds up.
Oh comon, do you really not see the Labour spin doctors fingerprints of old all over this sudden cult of Corbyn popularity ... Either he's suddenly changed everything he stood for to gain votes and will revert to type if he wins or the spin doctors have taken a politician so unpopular even his own MPs detest him, given him a script and made him into the Wizard of Oz...

He's offering a genuine alternative at a time when people are willing to take a gamble over the status quo.

I very much doubt that the likes of Campbell are involved. You'd soon know if they were.
Russia alone could literally turn every inch of the UK to glass not once but several times over - while our own arsenal could only return the favour to something like 1.5% of their landmass - obviously we'd fire for maximum effect against military or city targets.

Russia would be left with no major population centres, no government and no infrastructure. Those living beyond the reach of the immediate explosion and fallout would likely perish from famine. Russia would be finished.

Britain would never launch a first strike against a major nuclear power, for the same reason they'll not first strike us. They don't want the above to happen to them.

People really need to be better educated on these matters.
A comment on the video "I'm horrified, having watched this. Thanks to Chris Holden for wading through the Naylor Report on our behalf & for making this video."

I don't know why people are surprised but the question they should be asking is why Labour isn't highlighting these things in explicit detail - sure they are critical of the Tories in a general sense... stuff like this should be a gold mine for Labour but they aren't leveraging it to its fullest dirtiest extent... why?
Oh comon, do you really not see the Labour spin doctors fingerprints of old all over this sudden cult of Corbyn popularity ... Either he's suddenly changed everything he stood for to gain votes and will revert to type if he wins or the spin doctors have taken a politician so unpopular even his own MPs detest him, given him a script and made him into the Wizard of Oz...

He's working with Bernie Sanders' campaign team, but definitely not the New Labour one.
Negotiation is just that, negotiation.

Listen to the amount of current and ex diplomats who have spoken on May, hell I can even see it having dealt with negotiations with a blue collar workforce.

Walking into a room and declaring "**** you I'm getting everything I want" and flipping out at the first sign that isn't the case is not a way to get anything beyond **** all. Why we're the unions smashed back in the day? Because they would not compromise. Why was Cameron laughed out of Brussels? Because he would not compromise. Both the above as well grandstanded about how tough they were which also doesn't help.

Maybot has all the subtlety of an elephant in a china plate factory and as much as that may make you feel all alpha and get your rock on over how tough you are all you end up achieving is the derision of those you are facing and at the same time harden their resolve to equally give nothing back.

You equate being a "wet paper bag" with someone who is willing to listen, concede a few points if necessary to reach an accord that suits all parties and you are horrifically naive if you think it will work any other way.

The correct way to negotiate is to establish your few deadlines, set these out along with your opposition who will set out their own and then you work on a deal that can work around those "immovable" and built a mutually beneficial deal to both parties.

This is not hoping, the above is factual and how negotiations have worked throughout history and if you think the world will suddenly spin another way because we thump our chest and scream "rule Britannia" you have a lot to learn about life.

Part of me hopes Corbyn does get put in charge so I can watch the hilarity that will ensue.
Nope, I would have questioned her motivation for doing that just the same.

I'm just not buying into this sudden cult of Corbyn, he's been in the political wilderness for decades and is disliked by his own party, it's only now that Labour have got Blairs spin doctors back in people are lapping up the sound bites and think he's my mate who only wants the best for me.
For me personally, that's not the case, I doubt he can pull off even half of what his manifesto promises, but I would rather vote for any other party that would keep May out of power, or at least seriously weaken her, and bring some sort of sanity back to the UK. Dementia tax, 7p kids breakfasts, killing off old people, selling off the NHS...Insanity.
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For me personally, that's not the case, I doube he can pull off even half of what his manifesto promises, but I would rather vote for any other party that would keep May out of power, or at least seriously weaken her, and bring some sort of sanity back to the UK. Dementia tax, 7p kids breakfasts, killing off old people, selling off the NHS...Insanity.
You sum it up well. The current Tory manifesto is ******* disgusting.
You sum it up well. The current Tory manifesto is ******* disgusting.
It's honest, which is why you don't like it. If Cameron and Osborne were still in charge they wouldn't have any of that stuff in, they'd do it in a heartbeat once they were in power, but they wouldn't tell you about it beforehand. People need to be careful here, they complain when politicians lie to them but also reward them when they do.
Except nobody cares about spoiled ballots, they get binned.

If you don't like Labour and you don't like the Tories manifesto, vote for somebody else.
Protest votes are counted. They may not be *reported* but if that 30-odd percent of people who can't be bothered to vote got up and spoiled their ballots it'd be headline news. Voting for another party does not convey the same information as a protest vote.

ETA: Writing "NONE" in big letters across the paper is unambiguous and shouldn't see your paper binned. :)
It's honest, which is why you don't like it. If Cameron and Osborne were still in charge they wouldn't have any of that stuff in, they'd do it in a heartbeat once they were in power, but they wouldn't tell you about it beforehand. People need to be careful here, they complain when politicians lie to them but also reward them when they do.

What's honest about taking away a fully funded lunch for all primary school kids and replacing it with a badly costed (7p per pupil) breakfast?

What's honest about not mentioning any tax rises at all, when there clearly will be some?
It's honest, which is why you don't like it. If Cameron and Osborne were still in charge they wouldn't have any of that stuff in, they'd do it in a heartbeat once they were in power, but they wouldn't tell you about it beforehand. People need to be careful here, they complain when politicians lie to them but also reward them when they do.

I seem to recall that you were a fan of Trump's campaign.
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