Poll: Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Mk II

Who will you vote for?

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Those who are on social media, which party have you found to be targeting you? Only asking as i read an article which was saying that the torres have been using a loop hole to target people on social media. But i have found its been labour for me.
So you're saying that the top 2%/5% of earners will only ever vote Tory?

No I am saying its fair more likely proportionally that since the top few percent of earners benefit the greatest by having a Tory government then human nature being what it is and people unless they have other major issues, will just end up voting for the party which will be the greatest benefit to them.
Those who are on social media, which party have you found to be targeting you? Only asking as i read an article which was saying that the torres have been using a loop hole to target people on social media. But i have found its been labour for me.

Nobody, my seat is a safe one.
Those who are on social media, which party have you found to be targeting you? Only asking as i read an article which was saying that the torres have been using a loop hole to target people on social media. But i have found its been labour for me.

I've had both somehow, it's a mess of contradictions.
Those who are on social media, which party have you found to be targeting you? Only asking as i read an article which was saying that the torres have been using a loop hole to target people on social media. But i have found its been labour for me.

Targeted ads: Tory
Shared by my friends: Labour
I was targeted by Conservative propaganda against Corbyn last night. I call it propaganda as it was just tiny cherry picked sound bites that were stitched together with scary music to try and create a narative.

I thought it was pathetic, but I have no intention of voting for anyone but the Conservatives.
Nobody, my seat is a safe one.

technically speaking there is only ever one safe seat and that is the constituency of the speaker. If there was a much higher turn out / voter engagement in each constituency no one would be safe
The thing about this is that they don't even pay the full amount of tax that they should in Ireland, hence this news story from last year:


The only real benefit of Apple HQ in Cork is that they provide 4,000 local jobs (but that is still only 3% of the population of Cork - Possibly 10-15% of the working population)
Truly a race to the bottom.

It's about time we said to the likes of Apple: **** off. Peddle your **** elsewhere, if you're not going to pay tax. You're banned from trading in this country, period. Get stuffed.

The whole idea of them being a global corp and paying their tax in Ireland is an excuse, plainly, if they're not paying more than 0.005% tax in Ireland either...

Apple might be one of the most despicable corporations ever to have existed. Directly linked to worker deaths in China, pays no tax (anywhere), hideously overpriced products... and yet still we "love" them.
technically speaking there is only ever one safe seat and that is the constituency of the speaker. If there was a much higher turn out / voter engagement in each constituency no one would be safe
True. Its been Conservative since at-least 1885. Boundary got changed recently but still held. But
Truly a race to the bottom.

It's about time we said to the likes of Apple: **** off. Peddle your **** elsewhere, if you're not going to pay tax. You're banned from trading in this country, period. Get stuffed.

The whole idea of them being a global corp and paying their tax in Ireland is an excuse, plainly, if they're not paying more than 0.005% tax in Ireland either...

Apple might be one of the most despicable corporations ever to have existed. Directly linked to worker deaths in China, pays no tax (anywhere), hideously overpriced products... and yet still we "love" them.

interesting that you're so keen on others paying taxes but when it comes to something that might affect you - such as what is essentially a 'wealth tax' to pay for social care costs then you're adamant that it is unfair
Truly a race to the bottom.

It's about time we said to the likes of Apple: **** off. Peddle your **** elsewhere, if you're not going to pay tax. You're banned from trading in this country, period. Get stuffed.

Do you really, honestly think that would ever happen? Or are you just shouting any old hyperbole?
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