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Poll: Poll: Will you be buying a 2080Ti/2080/2070?

Which card will you be buying?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
15 Oct 2014
Somerset England
I’ve just cancelled my 2080 order, and thanks to a very understanding buyer I backed out of the sale of my 1080Ti.

Never in all my years buying Videocards have I seen shenanigans like Nvidia pulled last night... not even showing regular non-ray tracing performance against last gen cards - disgusting!
24 Dec 2005
Correct me if I'm wrong but have we ever had pre orders without benchies before?

I was always under the impression the NDA was lifted, reviews came out they you preordered unavailable stock then? :p
23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
Not buying, I've pretty much quit PC gaming.

I still have my gaming rig and I still have my T XP but I found myself unable to sit in an office chair all day due to incoming arthritis and back pain. I did consider maybe setting it up elsewhere, but decided to buy an Xbox One X, given all I seem to do is play Fallout 4. Best decision I have made in years. 4k on a 55" TV from 17ft away looks just as impressive to me as gaming on my PC. I know it isn't up close, but I don't sit up close to it. I can also chill laying on my bed playing or in an armchair, heaven.

I couldn't afford Turing without savage saving and cuts to my pleasure of life and tbh? I am done paying stupid money for GPUs. The well has run dry, and I don't want to play the game any more.

I will put my PC out to pasture now, repairing it if necessary but certainly not with a high end GPU. My XP is under water (dual rad custom loop) so easily boosts to 2100mhz any way. Believe me, it ain't no slouch. I just cba sitting in a hard chair any more.
31 Aug 2013
Sitting with a 1080Ti FTW3 until we see 7nm, with VRR support. These 12nm cards will devalue quickly due to poor RT performance while the 7nm should be more profitable. 20xx does not look like a good buy.
5 Sep 2011
Correct me if I'm wrong but have we ever had pre orders without benchies before?

I was always under the impression the NDA was lifted, reviews came out they you preordered unavailable stock then? :p

They're not helping themselves there, that's for sure. Considering how late vendors got hold of the cards I doubt there's many benchmarks outside of NV to speak of yet, though.
19 Oct 2008
Man this poll is slow, had over 500 odd on mine ;) before it was closed for no reason...

Oh wait....no one cares about who gets a 2050 or 2060 or even 2070 :p
This poll is more encompassing and more interesting :p
1070's sold well previously so I'm assuming it's more about the mindset of forum members that there's little interest below the Ti this far being shown on OCUK.
I suspect it's a bit of dramatization before many later cave in :D. I think the GPU's will really shine later.
I can understand why the keynote had no mention of performance vs current GPU's. 20 series are more forward facing. I agree for us it seems a bit naff though.

Havent voted yet as unsure. I think my answer is "No" but to see what the next 6 months bring. It's great NV have released the technology now. PRice is high, sure. I don't game enough and enjoy old titles hence I feel no need to buy one at the moment.
I think the new FE design is great.
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24 Dec 2005
They're not helping themselves there, that's for sure. Considering how late vendors got hold of the cards I doubt there's many benchmarks outside of NV to speak of yet, though.

That's why I'm thinking that maybe a 2080 will actually be slower than a 1080ti or maybe even only just 10% faster....

I also think that with two years on from pascal, I think there will be cards about to buy on release...we are drip fed and NV has had plenty of time to drip.
24 Dec 2005
This poll is more encompassing and more interesting :p
1070's sold well previously so I'm assuming it's more about the mindset of forum members that there's little interest below the Ti this far being shown on OCUK.
I suspect it's a bit of dramatization before many later cave in :D. I think the GPU's will really shine later.
I can understand why the keynote had no mention of performance vs current GPU's. 20 series are more forward facing.

Havent voted yet as unsure. I think my answer is "No" but to see what the next 6 months bring. It's great NV have released the technology now. PRice is high, sure. I don't game enough and enjoy old titles hence I feel no need to buy one at the moment.
I think the new FE design is great.

A poll is only interesting if it's engaged with :p
19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
Man this poll is slow, had over 500 odd on mine ;)
I wonder why... maybe something to do with the time of day posted and everyone flocking to it following the launch stream.

before it was closed for no reason...
If you've got an issue then I'm sure you know that you should post in the Forum Content Discussion section

Oh wait....no one cares about who gets a 2050 or 2060 or even 2070 :p
I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't care about who gets a 2080ti either.
14 Dec 2016
Not buying, I've pretty much quit PC gaming.

I still have my gaming rig and I still have my T XP but I found myself unable to sit in an office chair all day due to incoming arthritis and back pain. I did consider maybe setting it up elsewhere, but decided to buy an Xbox One X, given all I seem to do is play Fallout 4. Best decision I have made in years. 4k on a 55" TV from 17ft away looks just as impressive to me as gaming on my PC. I know it isn't up close, but I don't sit up close to it. I can also chill laying on my bed playing or in an armchair, heaven.

I couldn't afford Turing without savage saving and cuts to my pleasure of life and tbh? I am done paying stupid money for GPUs. The well has run dry, and I don't want to play the game any more.

I will put my PC out to pasture now, repairing it if necessary but certainly not with a high end GPU. My XP is under water (dual rad custom loop) so easily boosts to 2100mhz any way. Believe me, it ain't no slouch. I just cba sitting in a hard chair any more.

Seen this type of comment on a fair few forums lately.. lots of people are at odds with the ever increasing costs of PC gaming and the fact Console gaming has caught up to an extent with PC gaming, coupled with things like Freesync coming to large TV's etc many older people are moving across, as you say, its just more comfortable as you get older and aches and pains, to sit on the couch or a chair or lay on the bed with a controller etc.

The only thing that was really stopping me was the lack of keyboard and mouse support, this is supposedly getting implemented correctly soon, and you can buy products that do this right now as well. My other issue was the types of games i play (Mainly ARPGs and MMO's) are getting console releases, i have The Division, Elder Scrolls, Diablo 3, Destiny 2 all on both PC and Console and most of them the console version just feels better to play as you can get a lot more comfortable when setting in for an extended session...

The other thing to add is it kinda brings us together as a family a bit more, my wife, a staunch anti gamer has often sat and watched me play, and a couple of times ive managed to get her playing as well, the kids love playing and often invite me to play Lego games with them.

Im going to buy a 2nd Xbox, the Xbox One X and let the kids have the standard Xbox for their room, then they can play LAN together or share upstairs while me and the missus play against them etc :)

Also the cost of console games, if your not bothered in waiting a few weeks after release theres many high street stores you can pick up 2nd hand games from, and the Xbox Game pass is just too good to pass up, i bought 6 months of it on a promotion recently for something stupid like £20, the sheer amount of games it gives access too is ludicrous, and coupled with Microsoft bunging in exclusives to it like Sea of Thieves and Forza Horizon 4, its just too good to pass up.

And lastly, my favourite ARPG, Grim Dawn, is getting a release on Xbox shortly, as soon as that happens i will be done with my current stint in WoW and will probably just let my PC gather dust as its used for office work only.
6 Jan 2013
Havent voted yet as unsure. I think my answer is "No" but to see what the next 6 months bring. It's great NV have released the technology now. PRice is high, sure. I don't game enough and enjoy old titles hence I feel no need to buy one at the moment.
I think the new FE design is great

You make a good point there, actually. I'm more focused on older games at the moment and I'm not sure this new line up will provide much improvement as it's all about future tech. By the time I'm playing games that actually utilise this tech, these cards will be superseded. This launch feels like an early adopter's launch.

Time will tell; we need benchmarks.
14 Dec 2016
You make a good point there, actually. I'm more focused on older games at the moment and I'm not sure this new line up will provide much improvement as it's all about future tech. By the time I'm playing games that actually utilise this tech, these cards will be superseded. This launch feels like an early adopter's launch.

Time will tell; we need benchmarks.

Welcome to every AMD Launch since Fiji lol....
24 Aug 2013
I expect at least 20% increase in performance and hopefully 30% in current games. Not that my 1080Ti (same as yours) is struggling at 3440x1440 but the lack of anything new for ages made my mind up and RayTacing being a big thing for me. Price is crazy though but expected due to the lack of anything from AMD. I am a bit of an MSI fan also and love my Gaming X, so decided on the same for the 2080Ti Gaming X

Yeah I’ve had pascal for a good while now and it’s always good to have some shiny shiny :p :D.

I’m hoping for a good chunk of performance being Ti to Ti.

20% I think you’re expecting too low. The 1080Ti is 471mm2 whereas the 2080Ti is 775mm2 :o

Put that with new Gddr6 and architecture I think it will be quite a bit faster. Just on die size alone it’s a pretty massive increase.
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