Post your bikes thread

i-bert said:

Love these! Used to have the RD250 aircooled was always after a 350LC or YPVS though.
Looks mint too mate.
Gixer said:
Small world Kermit, I'm Paul_SP2 off the honda site! Think Dynamight posts on here and there too :cool:

The VFR does look much better with the back end raised.

not more 400 Grey bike posters??

PyroboyUK said:
Someday i really hope to have a go on one of these bikes. I have heard so much about them. Supposed to be such a fun bike to ride and pretty powerful.

Back in their day, these ruled the roads. But they were a bit fragile and tended to go pop if mistreated. Then along came the 350 YPVS, a real kick when the power valve opened, and was top dog till the RG250 Gamma arrived on scene. But they soon found the ideal combination was the RG250 chassis with a 350 YPVS motor and thus the Gammaha or Yamagamma was born. Seen a few of these at Devils Bridge in my time.

Would i like to ride one now, nope. Rode a 250 YPVS import back in 90/91 and it was fun, the kick at 6K rpm when the YPVS kicked in, the front wheel lifting as you gassed it hard. All brilliant memories, but after riding modern bikes the chassis will feel flimsy and the tyres some what lacking, though the Metzler ME99/33A combination was the dogs back then. I shall make do with the happy memories of chassing bigger bike to Devils Bridge and having my leathers, my jeans and paddock jacket smell of Catrol R
Hope you don't mind me posting some more of the RD as it isn't mine.

Its still unfinished in these pics and is missing a few decals on the switchgear.



Here is my R6. Right now it's in bits and pieces to be put back for spring. I'll post new pics with the camel paintwork.

Here is is when I first got it:

The way it looked before I took it to pieces for a respray:

Very nice - I take you're a big Rossi fan then :D

Re the Speed 4, I can never decide if I like them or not. From some angles they look fantastic, and from others just odd!
Sagalout said:
Very nice - I take you're a big Rossi fan then :D

Re the Speed 4, I can never decide if I like them or not. From some angles they look fantastic, and from others just odd!

I find it looks much better when you see it with your own eyes.
Does look kinda odd, but end of the day I love it. :)

Makes me commute quite fun. :D
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