Post Your Garden!

Guys, as per my pics above, any suggestions on how I could hide (decor/plants etc) the green metal shed? It looks horrible but I can't justify replacing it, it holds loads of outdoor toys!
Trellis and climbers?
Laurel or similar "hedge" to screen it?
Paint a different colour?
Mix of the above?

In an old house we put up a trellis to hide the greenhouse and compost bin and put climbers up and a few shrubs in front and it worked well :)
But what about the shed?


Horrible metal shed gone

Just treated my grass for weeds with That Weedol lawn weed killer. Hope I left it long enough for the new grass.

Also moved onto the second part of the garden revamp and started one of the front lawns. September would be a good time to sow new grass?

This Willow tree is a lot bigger that the pictures make out. Roots not deep and starting to get out of control. Was very over powering so had to come down. It’s fairly opened up the space also. We don’t have a chipper also so me the other half and two of the kids spent most of yesterday evening with hand pruners taking care of the smaller branches and foliage hah. 4 tote bags so far and we are just over half way.

Duro post and new fencing to go up in September for some of the boundary’s.

Some hedging to replace the failing fence out the back.

I found one of my old toys digging for the hedge. Original line and been hiding from the new rebel alliance for decades. You never know how much of a smile this put on my face.
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Also moved onto the second part of the garden revamp and started one of the front lawns. September would be a good time to sow new grass?

You can renovate and sow grass seed any time from March to Oct. The key is to keep it moist so people usually avoided high Summer due to the heat but it's not a rule.
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You can renovate and sow grass seed any time from March to Oct. The key is to keep it moist so people usually avoided high Summer due to the heat but it's not a rule.
Cheers. Hopefully fences getting done in September so timing might be idea.

Might try a bent and fecus blend out the front
Might try a bent and fecus blend out the front

Fescue/Bent need warmer ground temps (10°C - 14°C) and take longer to germinate than Rye (which, IIRC, you have out back) so dont worry if things seem to take upto a week longer than Rye before you see anything... Typically 10-14 day germination for Fescue/Bent opposed to 5-7 for Rye.

Bent should be better for weed control given its creeping nature as it will smother out new weeds. You will still get them to begin with until the Bent gets going fully but, once its well established, it will creep and form a carpet preventing weed seeds germinating as much as it will in the more open sward of rye. Bent grows more horizontally and Rye grows vertically. It also makes Bent/Fescue less work for cutting due to the more horizontal growth however will create more thatch due to this.
We've recently moved into our spot, lots of sun with a reasonable sized garden. I took down a leylandii tree as it was blocking so much light into the house (even upstairs) and have trimmed back a couple of trees in the front garden that were running away from the property. One was leaning over the pavement and the other over the neighbors.
Having had fake grass at the last house it is nice cutting the lawn and trimming some of the bushes. I did have to buy strimmer/hedge cutter and lawn mower as didn't have them, went to Henry Armer & Son's near me ans picked up the low range Stihl bits. Amazing how fast the lawn grows, only cut it a few days ago and its long again.

I'm not a gardening type person usually but there is a few empty spots in the garden for tree's / bushes / plants, is there any small trees you can get or bushes that look alright and don't go to wild?
I quite like the idea of a small palm tree, quick look online suggests something like this might be good. I can grow it in the orangery and then move it into the front garden. The sea is at the bottom of the road so might look quite fitting.
We've recently moved into our spot, lots of sun with a reasonable sized garden. I took down a leylandii tree as it was blocking so much light into the house (even upstairs) and have trimmed back a couple of trees in the front garden that were running away from the property. One was leaning over the pavement and the other over the neighbors.
Having had fake grass at the last house it is nice cutting the lawn and trimming some of the bushes. I did have to buy strimmer/hedge cutter and lawn mower as didn't have them, went to Henry Armer & Son's near me ans picked up the low range Stihl bits. Amazing how fast the lawn grows, only cut it a few days ago and its long again.

I'm not a gardening type person usually but there is a few empty spots in the garden for tree's / bushes / plants, is there any small trees you can get or bushes that look alright and don't go to wild?
I quite like the idea of a small palm tree, quick look online suggests something like this might be good. I can grow it in the orangery and then move it into the front garden. The sea is at the bottom of the road so might look quite fitting.
Very nice. This thread is called post your garden, so how about a photo or two?
Thanks gives me something to read into :)
Very nice. This thread is called post your garden, so how about a photo or two?
When i've finished removing the garden waste i will grab some. For now here's the ones taken for the house listing back in Feb/March time.
Obviously now it's not quite as muddy and a lot more greener. The tree at the front has been brought down quite low now as it was covering the end of the wall which is a faff for reversing in.
I'm thinking in the front have something in the middle of the lawn and in the back have something smaller growing around where the fences are.




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Installed a 100l slimline water butt, in one night of rain it was full so got a full size water but now and have them joined up.
We're on a water meter in this house and not sure how much water lawn is going to cost so thought I'd make use of some free water.
I have got a little palm tree in my garden now too, If I recall it's a european fan palm


We aim to create a bit of a border around it.
I'm thinking of digging up the bit you can see next to the wall right along and plant something in there. It's a bit late for planting most things so thinking maybe some daffodils?

I have a hydrangea at the other side of the garden which I was also debating taking some bits off and planting along there.
Just treated my grass for weeds with That Weedol lawn weed killer. Hope I left it long enough for the new grass.

Also moved onto the second part of the garden revamp and started one of the front lawns. September would be a good time to sow new grass?

This Willow tree is a lot bigger that the pictures make out. Roots not deep and starting to get out of control. Was very over powering so had to come down. It’s fairly opened up the space also. We don’t have a chipper also so me the other half and two of the kids spent most of yesterday evening with hand pruners taking care of the smaller branches and foliage hah. 4 tote bags so far and we are just over half way.

Duro post and new fencing to go up in September for some of the boundary’s.

Some hedging to replace the failing fence out the back.

I found one of my old toys digging for the hedge. Original line and been hiding from the new rebel alliance for decades. You never know how much of a smile this put on my face.
Not the worst body to uncover by surprise whilst digging in the garden :D
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