Post your mobile phone desktop!

Keeping it simple still :)


Background link pls, k thnx bai
CM Rom lets you remove the clock. But in your case, where you have nothing telling the time, why would you want to?? :p

Maybe he has one of those ancient devices, forgot what they're called...I think...a wrist watch?

I think I have 3 or 4 launchers and lock screens installed, even more clock widgets, weather widgets and wallpapers. Can't seem to settle on one theme and keep it. Damn you and your customisability Android!

It may have become more of a hobby than an actual desire to get it looking right.
Keeping it simple still :)

I like this - even if it would annoy me having not having shortcuts at one press.

Still digging nice and plain black:


Yes, that vertical bar after T-Mobile still grinds my gears.

Also, does nobody else have alarms, Bluetooth or vibrate mode ever activated?!
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