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Gone for a Retro style theme on the new Nexus 5 running Nova. Screenshots don't do it any justice

what widgets/icons are those?
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there's a dashclock extension for it too (built in iirc) so you can have the next few shows aired displayed on the lockscreen.

i've got the widget set to show recently aired shows just in case there's any i miss ;)
Twist, have you tried TV Show Favs? No need if you're happy I guess, but for me it's the best TV monitoring app. Love it's widgets.
I'd be interested. I should perhaps try series guide again. I think it was a long time ago I tried it and TV Show Favs was much better at the time.
Really? It can't work without you having an account to remember what you've watched. I guess I'm after more from a TV app, which might be why I didn't want series guide :)
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