Post your mobile phone desktop!

dark ui lollipop is rather delicious

Loving my Nexus 6. Using Nova Prime, cropped 4k image, 3K SR Black icons and deleted app text.

Awesome background, season 2 just started as well :p.

Been trying to figure out a new deskop style for ages, and ended up on this for now:


A mix of Moonshine and Voxel, with the Voxel icons being folders. Dumped Dashclock and tried out Chonus again, which seems to support Dashclock extensions now to my suprise.
I like that. I've gone completely minimal now will try and get a picture up

Double tap to open app drawer, might try to find a smarter skin for the clock widget that shows "TEN PAST" and "QUARTER PAST" etc etc.
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It's quite easy to make a minimal desktop now as you can make a lot of stuff invisible with launchers, icons and gestures.

Love Swipepad and using an invisible icon for nova folders/apps.
Yep, with nova it's just everythings off, status bar hidden until swiped, dock hidden and just double tap to go to app drawer/folders etc and then just categorised Favourites and Messaging. I'll probably change it around as I miss having Today Calendar widget.
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